"Pro-Palestinian" lobby hijacks Boston mourners for political point scoring
An image being circulation of "young Palestinian children" expressing sympathy with the victims of Boston appears to be from Iraq, rather than the Palestinian territoriesKeeping prejudice under control
That so called "pro-peace" activists can hijack such images for their own political ends speaks to the lengths to which many will go to in order to either demonise their opposition, propogate lies on behalf of corrupt and violent regimes, or indeed simply try to naiveily paper over the cracks.
The attempts are not thought to be directly related to the latest Pew poll statistics showing that 40 percent of Palestinians polled belive that suicide bombings are justified, the highest of any Muslim country in which the poll occured.
The pro-divestment movement wants you to believe that its cause is a struggle between the ethnic minority Palestinians and the "white" and "privileged" Jews and Israelis. By pretending that Jews are white Europeans, they argue that Israelis are foreign occupiers. But Jews are not a homogenous group of white people; we are an ethnically Middle Eastern people, comprising many unique communities from across the globe. After centuries of persecution, we have found security in this country and in our nation's first home, Israel. And although we have achieved the privilege of statehood, our personal histories are defined by our recent struggles.Richard Millett: From the Warsaw Ghetto to John Lewis for Palestine Solidarity Campaign's Ewa Jaciewicz.
But what Jaciewicz, a member of the Polish Campaign of Solidarity with Palestine, never wrote about for The Guardian was her trip a few years ago to the Warsaw Ghetto.Honest Reporting Canada: CBC Airs Unsubstantiated Allegation Claiming Israel used Chemical Weapons on Palestinian Children
Now, what would a reasonable human being do if they visited a site where some 400,000 Jewish people (or people of any religion for that matter) lost their lives? Say a prayer, lay a flower, place a simple stone in remembrance?
Jaciewicz helped daub the words "Free Gaza and Palestine" on one of the nearby walls. What did any of those 400,000 innocent lost souls ever do to her?
Ms. Glynn's statement was tantamount to accusing Israel of war crimes and crimes against humanity on vulnerable Palestinian children. These were incredibly serious unfounded charges that came from a pre-recorded comment. CBC journalists heard this comment before it went to air and chose to broadcast it over CBC airwaves. As such, CBC must take responsibility for this inflammatory and unfounded allegation it gave a platform to.What the West Should Learn from the Fayyad-Cohen Spat
For a Palestinian, it's always safest to accuse Israel of brutality and abuse, even if the accusations are completely false, because Israeli soldiers won't kill him for such libels–whereas Palestinian gunmen very well might murder him as a "collaborator" if he went on record as saying, for instance, that Israeli soldiers treated him decently.Michael Totten: Israel Bombs Syria, Syrians Blame Each Other
So perhaps next time, Westerners should stop and think before uncritically accepting Palestinian atrocity tales as truth. For if Fayyad could so brazenly lie about Cohen, then other Palestinians could just as easily be lying about Israel.
Assad is especially adept at this game. Everyone, especially journalists who quote people for a living, needs to understand that. Yet they don't. The BBC let Assad write their headline. Israeli strikes on Syria 'co-ordinated with terrorists' it says. That's the actual headline. It was literally written by Assad's foreign ministry.CIF Watch: Robert Fisk convinces himself that Israel has 'dragged the West into Syrian war'
Of course the words "co-ordinated with terrorists" are inside quotation marks, and the article makes it clear that this accusation comes from the Syrian government, but most people who see the headline won't read the article. Casual readers of the BBC Web site won't even notice the quote marks. Israel is coordinating with Al Qaeda in Syria? Really, BBC? You're broadcasting that ludicrous accusation with a straight face? (h/t Zvi)
It seems that the ethically challenged British 'journalist' Robert Fisk wanted desperately to impute the worst motives to Israel in analyzing reports of up to a dozen IAF strikes over the last few days on advanced Syrian weapons to prevent their transfer to Hezbollah. However, the weakness of his latest essay suggests that he may have found the case against Israel's sober decision not to allow Iranian made Fateh-110 missiles to fall into the hands of the Shiite terror movement allied with Bashar al-Assad was simply too difficult.Syria vows to retaliate for any future Israeli attack
The Syrian government extended the authority of the army to respond to "Israeli aggression" immediately and without prior governmental authorization, and granted Palestinian factions leave to carry out attacks against Israel on the Golan Heights, a Syrian government daily reported on Tuesday.Israel strikes a blow to conventional Arab thinking
According to Al-Watan, the Syrian army has compiled a "target bank" inside Israel that will be showered by missiles immediately in case of another Israeli strike on Syria. The daily also quoted "high-ranking sources" who said that Syria was willing to provide the Lebanon-based terror group Hezbollah with "all types of weapons, including new and quality weapons not previously provided."
'Israel is still my enemy, but when my enemy does a neat job — I admit it,' writes one Syrian commentatorThird Syrian Shell in 24 Hours Hits Golan
As the quintessential enemy of the Arab and Islamic world, Israel must be aligned with Assad, went the logic of many domestic Assad opponents. Now, though, Israel's apparently brazen confrontation with the Assad regime — while many Arab leaders have spent the last two years merely verbally endorsing (or secretly dreaming) of such a move — has created something of a cognitive dissonance for these oppositionists.
A stray mortar shell causes no casualties or damage. Two rockets were fired from Syria Monday.Dayan: Israel Has a Choice Between Bad and Worse
Former IDF general says Israelis should give thanks each day for the Golan.
Israel has two choices regarding the ongoing civil war in Syria: bad and worse, said former IDF general Uzi Dayan, speaking to Arutz Sheva.
The Assad regime is anti-Israel, but several of the groups fighting him are affiliated with Al-Qaeda. "Obviously we shouldn't support Assad's ouster, because a weak plague is better than a terror virus that is growing stronger," he said.
Israel must prepare for any scenario, and prevent unconventional weapons from reaching terrorist groups, he said.
Posted By Ian to Elder of Ziyon at 5/07/2013 01:00:00 PM