Some 5,000 French Jews participated in an aliyah fair in Paris.Again proving the necessity of a Jewish state.
The fair, organized and run by the Jewish Agency, took place Sunday as French voters went to the polls and elected Francois Hollande as their new president, beating incumbent Nicolas Sarkozy, considered the favored choice in the Jewish community.
"I cannot recall having seen such a massive number of people interested in aliyah since the days when lines of people stretched out of the Israeli embassy in Moscow," said Jewish Agency Chairman Natan Sharansky, who attended the fair. The annual fair usually attracts about 2,000 visitors, according to the Jewish Agency.
The French Jewish community is the largest in Europe, with some 500,000 members, according to the Jewish Agency.
The fair comes on the heels of an attack on a Jewish school in Toulouse in which a rabbi and his two young sons and the daughter of the head of the school were killed.
(h/t O)
Posted By Elder of Ziyon to Elder of Ziyon at 5/08/2012 02:30:00 AM