Anti-Israel activists sharply criticized the socialist British daily the Morning Star for referring to Israel's national bird the hoopoe in its daily quiz.CiFWatch has the actual two letters written - by a husband and wife using different last names to try to make it look like there was a groundswell of concern over this important issue:
In a letter to the newspaper, Linda Claire, the chairwoman of Manchester's Palestine Solidarity Campaign, asked why it had referred to the bird after it has "always been the newspaper you could rely on to support the cause of the Palestinians."
"Maybe you don't support the methods chosen by the international solidarity movement of BDS [boycott, divestment and sanctions against Israel] to assist the Palestinians in their struggle for freedom and justice," she said, adding that this included any reference to Israel's wildlife.
"Despite its condemnation of zionists [sic] it yet finds space to include an item in its daily quiz about Israel's national bird. Is the Star not aware there's a cultural boycott going on?" Claire's husband, George Abendstern, asked in another letter.
"And then, despite it's [sic] condemnation of the Bahrain Grand Prix and rightly so, it then goes on to tell us who won. For goodness sake comrades, get your act together," Abendstern continued.
After a letter appeared condemning the couple's stance, the anti-Israel activists said, "It was not the bird we object to but what this bird represents – the racist and apartheid State of Israel."
The Morning Star has always been the newspaper you could rely on to support the cause of the Palestinians, so why of all the birds in the world did you choose the Israeli national bird to include in your quiz?I had no idea that BDS includes a ban on mentioning Israel's wildlife!
Maybe you don't support the methods chosen by the International Solidarity Movement of BDS to assist the Palestinians in their struggle for freedom and justice – a demand that came from them originally.
This includes any reference to their wildlife.
Linda Clair
Maybe they shouldn't say the word "Israel" at all, as that is a form of normalization. So is the word "Zionist." It would make their campaigns a little more difficult, but its the principle of the thing.
(h/t Zvi and Ian)
Posted By Elder of Ziyon to Elder of Ziyon at 5/18/2012 08:25:00 AM