A Hamas spokesman, Sami Abu Zuhri, called the threats a "Zionist orgy" taking place with no international criticism.
He re-affirmed that "the Zionist occupation and their threats are the real reason for the instability and chaos in the region and the entire Middle East."
Islamic Jihad's Sheikh Nafez Azzam said that it was a form of bullying and that Israel is holding world peace hostage with its actions.
The PFLP's Kayed al-Ghoul said that "Zionist threats prove once again that the [Zionist] colonial project is intended to provide support of capitalism in the region, and to keep the Muslim nations under control in order to plunder their resources. These threats prove that the so-called statelet (Israel) is a tool of the U.S. administration in the region." He also said that Israel aims to punish Iran for its support for the resistance forces in Gaza and Lebanon.
If these exact words were chanted by the "human microphones" at the Occupy Wall Street demonstrations - no one would blink.
Posted By Blogger to Elder of Ziyon at 11/11/2011 08:45:00 AM