The Council Arab Foreign Ministers warned Thursday against Israel's plan to hold the first conference of the World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe in occupied Jerusalem on November 28.
A statement issued by the Council at the conclusion their meeting here, said that move contradicts international resolutions that clearly states that the city is occupied territory.
The statement added that this is a dangerous precedent that should not be accepted.
The Arab foreign ministers urged the World Health Organization to immediately intervene to prevent Israel from holding the conference on occupied Palestinian lands, they cautioned against the process of this move on peace process.
They also asked United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and European countries to move the conference to another place.

We see that, according to Arab foreign ministers - which include those who represent countries with whom Israel is at peace - are claiming that all of Jerusalem is Palestinian Arab territory
Westerners who claim that the Green Line is an "internationally recognized border" are proven to be wrong once again. Arabs never accepted that, and they still don't.
(h/t Richie)
Posted By Elder of Ziyon to Elder of Ziyon at 11/24/2011 10:33:00 PM