Wednesday, November 16, 2011
4:50 PM
Elder of Ziyon
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I haven't figured out yet how to automatically post there, but I now have a Google Plus page for those interested.
Blogger has added something called "dynamic pages" where you can view the blog in completely different ways. It does not yet have all the features I need - no sidebars or widgets, for example - but for those who have problems reading the blog, you can play with a live version of the Magazine style of the blog. If they add the customization features I need, I will probably redesign the blog around that format.
And stay tuned - it looks like there will be a live presentation of the 2011 Hasby Awards again this year, with some special surprises! More details to come.
Posted By Elder of Ziyon to Elder of Ziyon at 11/16/2011 04:50:00 PM
Blogger has added something called "dynamic pages" where you can view the blog in completely different ways. It does not yet have all the features I need - no sidebars or widgets, for example - but for those who have problems reading the blog, you can play with a live version of the Magazine style of the blog. If they add the customization features I need, I will probably redesign the blog around that format.
And stay tuned - it looks like there will be a live presentation of the 2011 Hasby Awards again this year, with some special surprises! More details to come.
Posted By Elder of Ziyon to Elder of Ziyon at 11/16/2011 04:50:00 PM
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