This is, of course, for the good of the Palestinian Arabs who need to live with these rules.
But two stories came out today from Muslim nations who are ignoring these artificial rules.
Turkish Foreign Minister Mouloud Jawish Ihsanoglu announced an aid ship to Gaza next month, ahead of the Eid al Adha holiday. But it isn't going to break the legal Israeli naval blockade - it will go to Ashdod and the goods will be transferred to Gaza from there.
He stressed that Turkish aid will continue increasingly in the next phase, according to an agreement with Israel, especially in health and education and the banking industry.
Egypt has made similar announcements of aid to Gaza in recent weeks - but the aid again goes through Kerem Shalom.
This photo of kids playing in front of Gaza's power plant doesn't look staged at all |
All without a single flotilla!
Not that the flotilla idiots are deterred. The next "peace boat" is scheduled to sail in September, and already the participants are happily lying:
Green Party MP Marama Davidson will be joining a women’s peace boat in late September which will highlight the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, the Green Party said today.If 2,300 civilians were killed, that means that Israel somehow managed to miss every single militant in Gaza!
“I am participating in the Women’s Boats to Gaza flotilla to highlight the crucial role of women in keeping their communities afloat, particularly in post-conflict situations,” said Green Party human rights spokesperson Marama Davidson.
“The people of Gaza are still living with the terrible impact of the 2014 war between Israel and Hamas, which resulted in the death of 2,300 civilians and the destruction of hundreds of thousands of homes, schools and hospitals.
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