Brothers, the sons of this struggle, our weapons are pure, we advise you to restrain your anger and not pay attention to the problems created by some suspicious people and pay attention only to the direction of the Zionist enemy. Our guns are pure, our direction is known, and the compass can only be diverted by the enemies of the resistance.
Wednesday, July 19, 2023
9:04 AM
Elder of Ziyon
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Last night, a mob of Hamas members entered a Gaza mosque and attacked Islamic Jihad officials there.
Hamas militia and the militants from the Al-Qassam Brigades attacked two members of the Al-Quds Brigades, the military wing of the Jihad Movement, in the city of Rafah.
Eyewitnesses reported that Hamas members stormed the Al-Awda Mosque, which is affiliated with Islamic Jihad, and assaulted the PIJ officials there. One of them, Yahya Mansour, had his hand broken and several other injuries, and another was injured as well.
Islamic Jihad issued a statement saying that they had met with Hamas on Tuesday morning to discuss some apparent (but unspecified) problems they are having with each other, and they thought the meeting went very well. They say they were surprised at the large numbers of Hamas members attacking the mosque.
According to Islamic Jihad's statement, Hamas members assaulted Mansour with chairs, knives and their bare hands, severely beating him. An elderly official was also attacked by them as he tried to defend Mansour, and he sustained serious injuries as well.
There are clearly tensions between Hamas and Islamic Jihad that no one is talking to the media about. And they are both trying to keep their differences quiet. Islamic Jihad's statement ended off with:
The only thing that Palestinian groups can agree upon is hating Jews.
But notice how the media simply doesn't want to cover a story about major differences between the two largest armed groups in Gaza. It is almost like they agree with the terror groups that it is better to keep these things private and only attack Israel.
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