Since the convening of the first Zionist conference in 1897, and the Zionist movement developed the methods of its psychological operations,understanding it was necessary to control the American and European societies.The Jewish psychological operations are divided into three stages: the first is the stage before the establishment of the state (Israel), where the psychological operations were based on the sayings, including “anti-Semitism” (the Holocaust).The second stage followed the establishment of the state of the entity. Its sayings are in harmony with the nature of the usurpation of the land, such as "a land without a people and a barren desert"As for the third stage, which followed the October 1973 war, and after the dramatic developments that occurred after that war and the international changes, Israel relied on new statements that keep pace with the changing regional situation, such as: "The danger of creeping Islam."The State of Israel attaches great importance to psychological operations, and it harnesses scientists and psychiatrists to study the Arab-Islamic milieu, and to conduct experiments that enable specialists to intellectually control the minds of Arab peoples, especially the Palestinian people, to kill the Arab will, discourage their morale and combat efficiency, and maintain control.The occupation has a high ability to use global media and social media, through which the poison is delivered to penetrate a coherent social environment to become disjointed and conflicted socially, organizationally and politically, and rumor is one of the most important means of psychological operations used by the occupier....The coordinator’s page was in Arabic, to perform the task and enter the minds of the Palestinians in their language, dialect and their eastern Arabic form, so that the occupier appears in the role of an honest advisor and spreads obsessions in the Palestinian heart and mind .
Friday, August 19, 2022
8:05 AM
Elder of Ziyon
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But one has to wonder, how do the Jews manage to hypnotize the world? What evil means do they use? How does this work? Can I learn how to do it, too?
A Hamas news site answers all these questions.
Al Resalah has an article by Nimr Yassin Madhoun where we are told:
And here I thought Israeli hasbara was not very good. Hamas (and Omar) thinks it is so brilliant that it controls the minds of the Arabs and the West!
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