Tuesday, June 21, 2022
6:04 AM
Elder of Ziyon
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Khaleej News has a typical article which discusses the alleged health benefits of beef fat.
- A laxative
- A skin moisturizer
- Helps prevent diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's
- Has lots of important vitamins
- It has lots of minerals which can treat bone and joint problems
- It protects against osteoporosis
- It reduces the level of triglycerides in the blood
- It is considered a strong sexual stimulant
- It has magnesium, good for diabetics
- It is good for pregnant women and unborn children.
- Helps raise good cholesterol.
But then the article turns into a conspiracy theory about Jews.
You see, Jews lied to the world and said beef fat was harmful. They said that it raises cholesterol and the chance for a heart attack.
This is the biggest trick the Jews have done in the past years
Why did they do this? Because, it seems, the Jews want to sell hydrogenated fats like margarine to unsuspecting non-Jews.
This in turn helps Jews make money from selling low fat foods, and exercise equipment, and diet nutrition.
The main victims of this Jewish scheme are...Arabs, who have a high chance for obesity and diabetes.
There is still plenty of Jew-hatred to be found in Arab media.
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