Wednesday, October 13, 2021
10:04 AM
Elder of Ziyon
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Kweansmom has posted some questions that IfNotNow sent to its mailing list which are a strong indication that it cannot figure out a reason why it should exist.
First it bragged about its accomplishments - which, when you look at them, didn't actually accomplish anything. Mostly it was making noise and getting some media attention.
But they have no idea what to do now. When Trump was president, they had a target, but now what?
So they ask their members - and the questions are amusing.
They want to know, how much can we push you guys towards supporting terror groups before you are uncomfortable with it?
As Kweansmom shows, they have already partnered with the pro-terror Palestinian Youth Movement and American Muslims for Palestine. Is that too much, too little, or just right?
The questions themselves show that INN's philosophy is pure antisemitism, but they don't want to push Jews out of their comfort zone - perhaps because most Jews aren't ready to support another intifada terror spree to blow up other Jews.
But if the leaders of INN don't know their own message, that is a major step towards oblivion. Its members will sense IfNotNow's leaders have no clue how to lead, and instead they want to not alienate their likely supporters, meaning that they have no message at all and are floundering to find one that won't push most members away.
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