Monday, October 4, 2021
10:04 AM
Elder of Ziyon
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In 2020, Roth used the term "apartheid" to describe Israel 22 times, Myanmar 3 times, and China once.
In 2021, Roth has used the term to refer to Israel 129 times - and has not referred to any other nation with that appellation even once since the his first use of that term in January.
The "apartheid" claim is ludicrous. Beyond that, Roth's obsession with painting Israel exclusively with that term this year means that Human Rights Watch has decided that only Israel is guilty of the crime of apartheid - giving Myanmar and China a pass in 2021.
HRW's definition of "apartheid," when applied to Israel, means little more than "discrimination" - something that pretty much every nation on Earth is guilty of in some way.
Even though Muslims in many European nations suffer discriminatory laws that Israel doesn't have. Even though Palestinians suffer worse under Arab rule than they do under Jewish rule.
The "Zionism is Apartheid" lie was started, not surprisingly, by Stalinists - people who didn't hide their antisemitism.
HRW's singling out of Israel as being uniquely evil is nothing short of obsessive - and its not using that term against any other state since January proves that this obsession has nothing to do with Israel's crimes but rather HRW's underlying Jew-hatred.
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