Domestic violence soared during the lockdown period. Official statistics conducted by the Ministry of Women Affairs indicate that domestic violence significantly increased during the lockdown imposed by the Palestinian government. However, mental violence was the most documented, which reached 55% of the total number of reported cases of violence against women. In addition to economic violence (53%), social violence (27%), verbal violence (24%), and physical violence, that increased during Covid-19 pandemic.Surveys have indicated that 88% of women with disabilities were subjected to various kinds of gender-based violence, such as economic, social, physical, mental, and verbal violence. 47% of women sought protection during the pandemic. [This may be a typo or mistranslation, it seems inconceivable that nearly half of all women sought protection! -EoZ]During 2020, PCHR documented the killing of five women in the oPt on grounds of gender-based violence; 3 in the West Bank and 2 in the Gaza Strip.
Tuesday, March 9, 2021
8:05 AM
Elder of Ziyon
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After the obligatory claims that Israel is the real problem for Palestinian women - highlighting the 39 Palestinian women in Israeli prisons, which is a really minuscule number - PCHR then turned to give some horrific statistics of what Palestinian women have been living through under COVID-19.
88% of women with disabilities were subject to mistreatment?? The women who need to be treated best are treated the worst??
That's some statistic.
This report doesn't say it, but the usual excuse in NGO reports on Palestinian men beating their wives is that they are driven to do it by the "occupation." Which just shows how little NGOs care about actually helping these women.
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