We have seen many times before that UNRWA school teach students to honor terror and terrorists. UNRWA usually responds that it uses the curriculum and textbooks from its host country and has no choice in that matter, but it tries to modify the lessons in ways that are more consistent with UN and huan rights principles.
This is a lie.
IMPACT-SE, the NGO that reviews textbooks in the Arab world, has found UNRWA-created school materials for use by students during times of emergencies, and they were distributed for students learning from home during the pandemic. The materials are based on the Palestinian Authority textbooks but UNRWA chooses which examples to use and which language to use - the UNRWA logo is on these materials.
For example, these Arabic language materials uses the example of the phrase, "With sword and pen we will free the motherland."
This sixth grade text uses examples that glorify death and violence:
Exercise 2 —determine what is the verb and what is the subject in the following sentences.
[Top row, right to left] Sentence—Verb—Tense—Subject
. . . The Palestinian died as a martyr to defend his motherland.
Underline nouns preceded by the definite article and the preposition “as” or “in”
3. We shall defend the motherland with blood.
This 7th grade study cards use as an example the sentence "The scent of musk emanates from the martyr."
In this 8th grade language example, we see “The mujahideen [raised] the banner of jihad”; “Make sure you stand by your compatriots”; and “The Palestinian will never leave his land, no matter the price.”
UNRWA seems to have created these examples itself, since IMPACT-SE could not find any corresponding textbook lessons.
In another example UNRWA materials compare Israeli treatment of Palestinians to the Spanish Inquisition:
Seventh-grade UNRWA educational materials claim that the “Zionist Occupation” is using the same methods used by the Spanish Inquisition in the Middle Ages to interrogate “Palestinian prisoners.” Furthermore, there is no mention that victims of the Spanish Inquisition included many Jews; whereas only Muslims are mentioned. The passage is taught in a section about the downfall of Islamic rule in Spain, where expulsion of Muslims by the Spanish rulers is compared to “Zionist Occupation policies”; drawing this comparison is a lesson assignment. Students are given an artist’s illustration of Muslims leaving Spain in 1492, and are asked to compare it to a modern photo that shows Arabs leaving Palestine in 1948; the image does not appear in the original PA textbook (Social Studies, Grade 7, Vol. 2, 2019, p. 29).
A grade 9 social studies text says, "[the Occupation] has turned vast tracts of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip into dumping sites for toxic waste and has sought to pollute the Palestinian environment with radioactive and chemical materials, as well as bomb production projects."
A grade 7 social studies text falsely says “the Zionists” deliberately set the Al-Aqsa Mosque on fire in 1969.
And, of course, UNRWA erases Israel in maps and refers to Israeli cities as "Palestinian."
UNRWA is not following its own stated standards and is teaching hate, glorification of martyrdom, and jihad against Israel that will not end until Israel is destroyed.
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