For more than two decades, Gesher has turned to film as a powerful media to reach the masses to promote a shared Jewish future. In partnership with the AVI CHAI Foundation, The Gesher Multicultural Film Fund (GMFF) has funded and produced of over 500 broadcast hours of cinema and television, including award winning feature films, drama series’ and documentaries. The GMFF supports the production of films and television programs that reflect the diversity of Israeli culture and correct the stereotypical images of minority segments of society. The fund provides grants and editorial guidance to veteran film-makers, and scholarships and training for promising young scriptwriters, producers, and directors emerging from minority segments of the population.The Gesher Multicultural Film Fund’s Jerusalem Brew, Ushpizin and Shtissel are just a few of the top-rated television shows and movies that have demonstrated a large-scale impact on Israeli Society.
The movie “Red Cow” 2019, directed by: Tsivia Barkai Yacov, talks about a lonely girl (Benni) who lives with her father in a settlement in Silwan, East Jerusalem. Reconstructing the Third Temple: (Benni) takes care of and raises the red cow until it grows and the Jews build the temple in Jerusalem.There are crude references to religious references, texts and myths that deny the Palestinians of their place. Benni falls in love with Yael, who works in the army, and with the intensification of tension between the Palestinians and the settlement residents, and a sense of danger between them, she decides to search for her for a common future with her family.The film focuses on the settlers' relationship with the Torah land and promotes all their lies about it. It also fabricates many lies about what they calls “Palestinian terrorism” against the rights of the Jews.
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