Alice Rothchild is a retired doctor who is a prominent member of Jewish Voice for Peace and a founder of the "JVP Health Advisory Council" whose sole purpose is to use health as an issue to bash Israel.
Yesterday, she tweeted that she gave a guest presentation to the Harvard University course entitled Medicine and Conflict: The History & Ethics of Healing in Political Turmoil. Of course, her lecture was an anti-Israel and antisemitic polemic disguised as an evenhanded view of the Palestinian/Israeli conflict through the lens of her own hate.
Here is the slide where she sums up her point:
The "crux of the problem" and the "fundamental issue" is the racism of Israeli Jews.
The students don't learn that Israeli Jews are trying to protect themselves from being stabbed, run over and blown up. They don't learn that before the intifada there was no border that stopped Palestinian Arabs from getting full access to the best health care. They don't learn that the Palestinian Authority is now stopping their people from getting treated in Israeli hospitals. They don't learn that Israeli Arabs get identical health care as Israeli Jews, which would be impossible if Israeli Jews are "racist."
No, all they learn from bigots like Rothchild is that Jews are racists who spitefully cause Palestinian Arabs pain just for the sheer fun of it.
And, of course, the logical conclusion is that these Jews are on the verge of committing genocide and ethnic cleansing, Because that is the fundamental nature of the evil Israeli Jew.
After her brainwashing session, she reports that she had "lots of positive response" from 93 participants.
She wants to give that lecture to other college courses as well.
Israel-haters try to find any way to push their message of hate. Rothchild uses her medical credentials.
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