A webinar on Thursday is as predictable as it is false. From The Arab Center of Washington DC:
Well, let's see.
Diana Buttu
Yara Hawari
Yousef Munayyer – Moderator
Additional speakers to be announced
About the Event
Arab Center Washington DC’s upcoming webinar focuses on the threat of the coronavirus pandemic in the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and Gaza Strip as well as for the Palestinian citizens of Israel. As Israel’s policies of occupation and settler colonialism continue in the midst of this global health crisis, what additional challenges are Palestinians facing under military occupation, apartheid, siege, and discriminatory policies?
The West Bank has less than 300 COVID-19 cases, two deaths.
Gaza has 17 COVID-19 cases, zero deaths.
Palestinians in Israeli prisons have zero cases, zero deaths.
Israel has over 15,000 cases and 204 deaths with 93 people on ventilators.
Where should the bulk of ventilators, PPEs and effort go? What evidence is there that Israel is not doing everything it can to keep the virus from spreading in the territories and prisons?
For two months now, Israel haters have been warning about an impending epidemic of the virus in the territories.
As is the case with wars, they want to see Palestinians die so they can have ammunition to attack Israel.
As is the case with wars, Israel has more incentive to protect Palestinian lives than to let them die.
As is the case with wars, Israel cares more about the lives of Palestinians than the entire "pro-Palestinian" community in the US and Europe together.
We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.