I'm actually a little stunned at how little Elizabeth Warren knows about Israel and the history of the moribund peace process, as seen in this video clip:
"We need to encourage Israel and the Palestinians to negotiate with each other."
Wow! Who ever thought of that before?
Of course, the Palestinians refuse to negotiate directly with Israel. Does she have a plan B?
"Israel has the right to security, Palestinians have the right to self-determination and to be treated with respect."
Israel has offered them self-determination many times. As far as respect - that is something that is earned, not a human right. Just today Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah party tweeted support for the person who rammed his car into a bunch of Israelis, mostly soldiers. Should we respect that?
Notice that Israel does not seem worthy of respect.
"The two state solution has been the policy of the United States and of Israel for nearly seventy years now."
Ummm...what? What was the second state in 1951? Is she saying Jordan is the Palestinian state? Is she referring to Zionists accepting the 1947 partition plan that was abrogated by the Arab world?
No, she's just proving that she has no idea what she is talking about.
"The embassy is what they should be negotiating."
Palestinians should be part of the decision where to put the US embassy to Israel? Do they help decide where the US embassy to Canada should be as well?
"They should be negotiating what constitutes the capital.That's really my point, is that that's what the parties should decide."
Oh, so Israel cannot choose its own capital - it needs the approval of its sworn enemy. The most basic decision of any world government cannot be made by that government. Sure.
This is kumbaya foreign policy. It is stupid, not prudent, to be "evenhanded" between a modern liberal state and a terror-supporting, misogynist, anti-gay, freedom hating entity whose entire purpose is to destroy the first state. Would she say that we should have been evenhanded between Iraq and ISIS, another wannabe state?
The times I've met with senators and members of Congress they knew their stuff. Warren's ignorance is laughable. (And she hired a large foreign policy team, as well.)
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Pandora's Box
[image: Dry Bones cartoon, Israel, Hostages, Gaza, Hamas, War, Oct7,]
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Over & Out
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