We proposed to the public 10 possible responses to the American plan and asked it about its support and opposition to each response...Notice that people could choose more than one answer, so at first glance it appears that more people support non-violent "resistance" than terror. But that isn't true. When asked to choose only the preferred response to the status quo, terrorism beats out negotiations 2-1 and it beats "non-violent resistance" 3-1:
Public support is highest (90%) to the response of ending the split and reunifying the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, followed by waging a diplomatic warfare against Israel in international organizations (85%); withdrawing Palestinian recognition of Israel (84%); waging non-violent popular demonstrations (78%); ending security coordination (77%); ending the implementation of the Oslo Agreement (69%); waging an armed struggle or return to an armed intifada (64%).
The most preferred way out of the current status quo is “reaching a peace agreement with Israel” according to 22% of the public while 45% prefer waging “an armed struggle against the Israeli occupation.” Only 15% prefer “waging a non-violent resistance” and 14% prefer to keep the status quo.And when the question is reframed, terror beats out any other alternative by a huge amount:
When asked about the most effective means of ending the Israeli occupation, half of the public (50%) chose armed struggle, 21% negotiations, and 23% popular resistance. Two months ago, 47% chose armed struggle and 26% chose negotiations.Some 25 years after Oslo, Palestinians still are overwhelmingly supportive of terror.
Which is the main reason why peace is not possible.
It is too bad the world ignores that quite basic fact.
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