Israel's Foreign Affairs Ministry Arabic Twitter account sent out this message about a huge $5 million mosque built in Abu Ghosh, Israel that can accommodate 3000 worshipers. It was completed in 2014.
تتجلى حرية العبادة في إسرائيل بمنح الأقليات حرية ممارسة أديانها وشعائرها وطقوسها. تم بناء هذا المسجد الفخم الذي يسع 3000 مُصلِ وبكلفة 5 ملايين دولار في قرية أبو غوش العربية— إسرائيل بالعربية (@IsraelArabic) April 1, 2019
Shalom synagogue in my home town jericho . Stop this attitude . Judaism to Palestinians is not a threat will never be a threat , Judaism is one of God’s great religions. The real threT on both of us is the continuation of the Israeli occupation.— Dr. Saeb Erakat الدكتور صائب عريقات (@ErakatSaeb) April 2, 2019
The contrast between Israel giving land to Muslims to allow them to worship, today, and the Palestinian Authority not protecting Jews who want to pray in ancient holy sites, is as stark as can be.
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