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Friday, April 14, 2017

From Ian:

PBS Islamic Lesson Plan Encourages Students to Identify with Radical Jihadists
A new lesson from PBS teaches your kids the glory of martyrdom.
The Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) is home to Big Bird, Frontline, and other “programing made possible by viewers like you,” including lesson plans instructing teachers how to show kids to be more sympathetic to radical Islamic suicide bombers in Palestine.
“Dying to be a Martyr.” That’s the name of a lesson plan offered to students and teachers at no cost by the Public Broadcasting Service, a taxpayer-funded nonprofit, and some of the material seems to encourage students to learn to sympathize with radical Islamic terrorists.
The “Dying to be a Martyr” lesson plan is offered through PBS’ LearningMedia website, “a media-on-demand service offering educators access to the best of public media and delivers research-based, classroom-ready digital learning experiences,” according to the PBS website.
The stated “objectives” for the lesson plan, which is designed for use by students in grades nine through 12, include analyzing “why the Middle East conflict began and continues today,” discussing “how religions can unite or divide people” and explaining “why individuals and groups sometimes turn to tactics of terrorism, and evaluate how terrorism affects the world we live in.”
Seth Frantzman: Whaaaa – The NYT just published a column supporting ISIS in Syria?!
The New York Times just published a column by Thomas Friedman (‘Why is Trump fighting ISIS in Syria’) that argues for supporting ISIS in Syria. Surely that can’t be, you say? Well, the sick and twisted column really does say “In Syria, Trump should let ISIS be Assad’s, Iran’s, Hezbollah’s and Russia’s headache.” Friedman argues for treating the Nazi-like Islamist extremist group that carried out genocide of Yazidis and still holds thousands of Yazidi women as slaves, “the same way we encouraged the mujahedeen fighters to bleed Russia in Afghanistan.” A reminder: The US spent hundreds of millions supporting the mujahedeen.
You need to read the Friedman piece to believe it.
He starts out by asking “Why should our goal right now be to defeat the Islamic State in Syria? Of course, ISIS is detestable and needs to be eradicated. But is it really in our interest to be focusing solely on defeating ISIS in Syria right now?”
Friedman claims that ISIS “controls pockets in western Iraq and larger sectors of Syria. Its goal is to defeat Bashar al-Assad’s regime in Syria — plus its Russian, Iranian and Hezbollah allies — and to defeat the pro-Iranian Shiite regime in Iraq, replacing both with a caliphate.”
What evidence is there that ISIS has spent its main resources fighting Assad? It has spent most of its resources fighting the Kurds in Syria and persecuting minorities, blowing up religious shrines and historical sites and committing crimes against humanity. ISIS has also undermined the Syrian rebellion through fighting other Syrian rebel groups. On April 9th ISIS attacked a Syrian rebel base near Jordan. If you want to know what ISIS has been doing since 2014 read the accounts of Yazidi women sold into slavery and raped by the group. See the photos and videos of ISIS mass graves.
More Evidence The Anne Frank Center Misrepresented Itself
Yesterday, I asked the Anne Frank Center for Mutual Respect some questions, relating to some inconsistent stories relating to their founding and relationship with Otto Frank and the Anne Frank Fonds.
They did not respond.
Someone who did respond was writer Daniel Greenfield, who drew my attention to a piece he wrote on them over a month ago, exposing them as frauds.
He’s right. Anne Frank Fonds did sue the Anne Frank House in 2013, and made clear they are the only representatives of Anne Frank’s legacy.
What is interesting is, as I posted yesterday, the Anne Frank Center’s website at the time linked itself to Anne Frank House…
Founded in 1977 by Anne’s father Otto, The Anne Frank Center USA, a partner of the Anne Frank House…
But in 2016, changed the description to this..
In 1959, Otto Frank, Anne’s father, founded our organization as the Anne Frank Foundation, the American partner of the Anne Frank House in Amsterdam and the Anne Frank Fonds in Basel.
In other words, well after the court case which made it clear Anne Frank Fonds is the sole legitimate organization established by Otto Frank, the Anne Frank Center amended their description to add a supposed connection to Anne Frank Fonds. It seems to me this was a deliberate move to make themselves sound more legitimate (even though still mentioning Anne Frank Foundation in the same breath seems like a dumb move).
Given this further information and the Center’s silence in the face of my genuine questions, I believe they are frauds co-opting Anne Frank’s name and playing up a relationship with Anne Frank Fonds that simply does not exist.

Israeli Author Describes American Jewish ‘Nightmare’ After Visiting Synagogues Across US
A visiting Israeli author painted a bleak picture of non-Orthodox Jewish life in the US during a New York City book signing hosted by The Algemeiner last month.
Tuvia Tenenbom — whose newest book is titled The Lies They Tell, which details a trip he took across America — told the crowd at the Center for Jewish History, “In state after state, temple after temple, what I saw and what I witnessed was a nightmare. You see rabbis, or so-called rabbis, leaders, supposed leaders, standing at a podium and all they can tell to their listeners is that Israel is an apartheid state and that Judaism is racism. That’s what they preach.”
Later, he added, “When you see some anti-Jewish thing, if you dig deep and put a magnifying lens to see who’s behind it, over and over and over you find a Jew, and that’s frightening.”

Daily Beast Columnist: Skip ‘Mother Of All Bombs,’ Pay Terrorists Off Instead
After news broke on Thursday that the Trump administration had authorized the military to use the so-called “Mother Of All Bombs” (MOAB) on ISIS in Afghanistan, killing 36 ISIS terrorists and destroying underground tunnels and ordnance, Daily Beast columnist Dean Obeidallah tweeted:

There are several reasons this is incredibly stupid.
1. You Can’t Pay Terrorists To Stop Being Terrorists. It’s one of the great myths of the Left that crime and terrorism spring from poverty, rather than the other way around. The fact is that culture trumps economic status, which is why the uber-wealthy Osama Bin Laden became a global terror leader, why the hijackers on 9/11 all came from middle class families. In 2002, this stupidity was debunked by economists Alan Kruger of Princeton and Jitka Maleckova of Charles University in Prague. They found that over half of Palestinian Arab suicide bombers had post-high school education.
2. All Attempts To Try To Pay Off Terrorists Have Caused More Terrorism. The same leftists who decry American intervention in Afghanistan on behalf of the mujahideen thanks to the rise of Al Qaeda think that paying off terrorists is good strategy. Israel has been attempting to pay off terrorists for years, handing over millions to the Palestinian Authority; Palestinians promptly elected Hamas, and the PA is now in a unity government with Hamas and Islamic Jihad. President Obama handed over billions to the Iranian government in the hopes it would mainstream them; instead, they’ve used some of that cash to expand terror operations.
Remembering Zvi Weinstock, an Anonymous Soldier Full of Promise
Today, April 13th, marks the 69th anniversary of the infamous Hadassah convoy massacre.
The incident, among the most tragic of Israel’s War of Independence era, was perpetrated by Arab forces who ambushed a medical convoy in Jerusalem’s Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood that was carrying food, supplies and personnel to the beleaguered and largely isolated Hadassah Hospital on Mount Scopus in the northeast of the city.
Among the 78 recorded dead — including Jewish nurses, doctors, students, patients, faculty members and Haganah fighters — was my great uncle Zvi Weinstock. Today he is buried in Sanhedria, where dozens of unidentified bodies, burned beyond recognition in the assault, were interred in a mass grave.
Zvi, who was accompanying the convoy as a volunteer Haganah escort, was just 23-years-old at the time of his death.
By all available accounts, Zvi was a somewhat remarkable individual.
He was born in December 1925 in Vienna, Austria to Dovid and Chaya Idis Weinstock, both of whom perished in the Holocaust. In 1939, he fled to Yugoslavia and eventually made his way to Palestine at the tender age of 15. He continued his studies at the youth village Kfar HaNoar HaDati in northern Israel.
MEMRI: The Position Of State Department Envoy To Combat Anti-Semitism Should Not Be Eliminated – President Trump Should Reinvigorate It
The Office to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism and its Special Envoy are more necessary than ever. Nearly every day, MEMRI is continuing to document the extreme anti-Semitism in the Middle East that is tolerated there but is nearly ignored in the West. Under the Trump administration, there is a real opportunity for the office and position to be revitalized, and can really take off the gloves in challenging anti-Semitism much more directly. On February 2, 2017, incoming Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said in his welcome remarks to State Department employees: "As Secretary, I will deploy the talent and resources of the State Department in the most efficient ways possible. That may entail making some changes to how things are traditionally done in this department. Change for the sake of change can be counterproductive, and that will never be my approach. But we cannot sustain ineffective traditions over optimal outcomes."
Perhaps President Trump and those in his administration making the decision on whether to cut this office does not realize this, but a significant amount of the anti-Semitism that MEMRI has documented has jihad-supporting elements, and is directly connected to radical Islam. Thus, this MEMRI research can support one of this administration's main declared missions – fighting radical Islam. Keeping the Office to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism and its Special Envoy could also help this administration develop relationships with Arab and Muslim reformists who are speaking out against anti-Semitism and are natural allies of the U.S.
Keeping The Office To Monitor And Combat Antisemitism Will Prove President Trump's Commitment To Fighting Anti-Semitism
On February 21, 2017, President Trump said, in his remarks at the National Museum of African American History and Culture: "...We have to fight bigotry, intolerance and hatred in all of its very ugly forms. The anti-Semitic threats targeting our Jewish community and community centers are horrible and are painful, and a very sad reminder of the work that still must be done to root out hate and prejudice and evil."
On a daily basis, MEMRI is monitoring and translating Arabic, Farsi, Urdu, Pashtu, and Turkish anti-Semitic content from media in the region – work that no one else is doing. It is vital that the State Department continue to be aware of these sentiments in the region – and if MEMRI were not doing this work, very few would ever know about it. The funds were given to document anti-Semitism, Holocaust denial and Holocaust glorification in the Middle East.
President Trump's budget should not eliminate the Office to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism and its Special Envoy. They should be kept, and developed further. Doing so will also reassure the Jewish community of the President's commitment to fighting anti-Semitism and of his support for Jews in the U.S. and worldwide.
Daphne Anson: Fergie (aka the Duchess of York) Condemns Israel's Anti-Terror Wall
On a visit to Bethlehem, Sarah Ferguson vows to propagandise for the Palestinians.
Pity she seems so ignorant of the case for Israel.

Can’t make this up: Soon-to-be-deported convicted terrorist Rasmea Odeh protests United Airlines
Contrary to what her supporters say, there’s overwhelming evidence of her participation in both bombings, including the video statements years later of her co-conspirators.
After her 1979 release in a prisoner exchange for an Israeli soldier captured in Lebanon, Rasmea made her way to the U.S. in the mid-1990s. She lied on her visa and naturalization applications, among other ways, by falsely denying ever having been convicted or imprisoned, or being a member of a terrorist group (in her case, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine).
On April 25, 2017, Rasmea is scheduled to plead guilty to immigration fraud. She will be deported and have her U.S. citizenship revoked.
As we have documented many times, Rasmea has injected herself into other movements in order to push anti-Israel activism, such as Black Lives Matters. Rasmea was one of the organizers of the March 8 “International Women’s Strike.”
I laughed, in a morbid way, when I saw someone tweet that Rasmea was helping lead the anti-United Airlines protests at Chicago O’Hare, after passenger David Dao was dragged off a plane.
Jewish Law Day Analyzed BDS Within Legal Scope
Eugene Kontorovich prefers to not call the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel a movement at all.
“It’s called the BDS movement for a reason: to make it sound like there’s a movement behind it,” he said, “like there’s a campaign, people taking to the streets. … In fact, it should be called economic discrimination against Israel, national origin discrimination against Israelis or just old-fashioned discrimination.”
Kontorovich looked through the lens of BDS for the 35th annual Jewish Law Day, which welcomed a room of judges, lawyers and members of the Louis D. Brandeis Law Society in the Jewish Community Services Building April 6.
The evening featured a discussion led by Kontorovich, who specializes in constitutional law, federal courts and public international law, and writes for the Washington Post blog “The Volokh Conspiracy.”
Kontorovich is also a professor of law at Northwestern University School of Law. For Jewish Law Day, he discussed BDS and the effect it has on college campuses and elsewhere.
EU adopts anti-boycott stance in official commercial policy
In a reaction to attempts in Europe to boycott Israel, the European Union’s report on commercial competition for the first time included a rejection of such initiatives.
The reference to boycotts, which does not name Israel specifically, was introduced earlier this year into the draft of the Report on Competition Policy for 2016 by a pro-Israel European Parliament lawmaker from Italy, Fulvio Martusciello, JTA learned Wednesday.
The clause on boycotts states that the European Commission “underlines the need to fight against unfair collective boycotts, defined as a situation in which a group of competitors agree to exclude an actual or potential competitor, as restrictions of competition by object.”
A spokesman for Martusciello, the chair of the European Parliament’s Delegation for Relations with Israel, confirmed that he introduced the clause to “translate for the first time into EU commercial policy the stated objections of EU leaders to BDS,” an acronym for the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement against Israel.
Harvard Israeli Apartheid Week Kicks Off With Mock ‘Detention Notices’ Citing Supposed Injustices Committed by Jewish State
Israeli Apartheid Week (IAW) at Harvard University kicked off on Monday with mock detention notices posted at a dormitory that cited the purported unjust detentions of “Palestinians in Israel-Palestine,” The Algemeiner has learned.
In a stunt organized by Harvard’s Palestine Solidarity Committee (PSC) — as school newspaper The Crimson reported on Tuesday — the fliers included faux warnings that dorm residents had been detained for security reasons and asked students to use the “unsettling nature of this notice…to reflect on the reality of people” who face such arrests.
“At the end of August 2016, 5,988 Palestinian security detainees and prisoners were held in Israeli prisons, 319 Palestinian minors were held in Israeli prisons as security detainees and prisoners, including 10 administrative detainees,” the fliers — which claimed to be issued by the nonexistent “Harvard Special Investigations Unit” — said. “Hundreds of administrative detainees had been held for over a year without charge or trial.”
The notices gave four other examples of “frightening or unjustified” arrests, including those of Black men, Latinos, immigrants and Muslims in America.
The fliers were co-signed by Harvard’s Concilio Latino, Islamic Society and Black Students Association, and advertised further IAW programming.
Israelis Defend Their Country Against ‘Apartheid’ Smear on South African Campuses
Wanana Abrams, a 28-year-old Israeli of Ethiopian origin, calls herself “just one of countless examples — along with thousands of other religious and ethnic minorities — of why the term ‘apartheid’ does not apply to the liberal democratic Jewish state.”
Fittingly, then, Abrams was one of two representatives from Israel’s Herzliya-based Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) to travel to the South African city of Cape Town in March to counter anti-Zionist activists’ “apartheid” smears about Israel.
“I traveled to South Africa to tell my story, and to show the world the true face of my home country,” Abrams, a communications major at IDC and a resident of Netanya, told
The IDC representatives — Abrams and 28-year-old Mor Dagan of Tel Aviv — made the trip as part of a special public diplomacy program to advocate for the Jewish state during on-campus “Israeli Apartheid Week” (IAW) protests around the world. The annual IAW protests carry added significance in South Africa, given the anti-Israel movement’s attempts to portray the Jewish state as an institutionally racist country akin to South Africa’s 20th-century apartheid regime.
This year’s IAW demonstrations in South Africa began on campuses in Johannesburg at the beginning of March, and migrated to universities in Cape Town two weeks later.
With Bret Stephens Hire, New York Times Fills Long-Empty Pro-Israel Void on Columnist Roster
The New York Times is moving to bolster its faltering credibility among pro-Israel readers by hiring an outspoken Zionist and former editor of the Jerusalem Post, Bret Stephens, as an op-ed columnist.
Stephens — who had been with the Wall Street Journal since 1998, serving as a foreign affairs columnist and deputy editorial page editor — will fill a gap that had been left empty on the Times op-ed page since the retirement of William Safire in 2005. (For a period, from 1987 to 1999, the Times had two outspokenly pro-Israel op-ed columnists, in Safire and A.M. Rosenthal.)
“He will bring a new perspective to bear on the news,” the Times editorial page editor, James Bennet, said in announcing the hire, promising, “you can expect other additions to our lineup in coming months as we continue to broaden the range of Times debate about consequential questions.”
Since the deaths of both Safire and Rosenthal, the Times has left Israel-related op-ed columnizing to Roger Cohen, who is outspoken about his Jewish background but also sharply critical of Israel’s policies. Cohen’s articles also do not appear regularly in print in the United States. Nicholas Kristof, a non-Jewish Times columnist, also sometimes writes critically about Israel, while David Brooks will occasionally write on Jewish topics, but has not frequently touched on the Jewish state. Longtime Times columnist Thomas Friedman can be centrist or unpredictable, and is another voice who sometimes tackles the Middle East, where he previously served as a Times reporter.
Guardian restores ‘corrected’ article – but still includes claim of wall around Haifa!
We recently tweeted about a Guardian piece (I’m the only trip-hop artist in Palestine! The musicians shaking up the occupied territories, April 12th) so full of errors and wild accusations that editors took the unusual step of completely removing it “pending review”.
We had emailed editors to complain about several errors – including erroneous Palestinian unemployment statistics and a claim that IDF engages in “summary killings” – but the most egregiously inaccurate claim we noticed can be seen this subsequent UKMW tweet.
This morning we saw that the article was restored, with an addendum at the bottom stating that it was “amended to correct and clarify details”. However, whilst the highly inflated PA unemployment stats were removed entirely, and “summary killings” was changed to “killings”, they failed to correct the most bizarre suggestion, that (putatively “unscalable”!) 8 metre high concrete walls surround Haifa!
We contacted editors again this morning, asking for a correction. We’ll keep you posted.
Gaza Strip background the BBC does not provide
Only last month the BBC found it appropriate to provide unchallenged multi-platform amplification for water-related propaganda promoted by the PA’s Husam Zomlot:
Zomlot: “Steve, the whole situation here is that of a system of entitlement. These people – some people in Tel Aviv right now – the government, the Right-wing extreme government, wants to keep a system whereby there is a group that are privileged as per these numbers. It’s our own water that they consume, most of it. Some groups that are privileged and others that are disprivileged [sic] and discriminated whether by means of occupation or by means of colonisation or by means of apartheid.”
Significantly, BBC audiences have not been informed of Israel’s actions to ease the water crisis in the Gaza Strip – and the lack of effort on the part of Hamas and the PA.
“A second desalination plant is in its planning stages and Israel supports the construction of a third, larger plant in Deir al-Balah, but only part of the money has been raised by the international community.
Until those plants are completed, Israel has offered to double its supply of water to Gaza, from 10 million cubic meters per year to 20 million. However, Mordechai told Army Radio that the Palestinian Authority, headed by Mahmoud Abbas, is not rushing to implement the offer.”

In addition to water, the topic of the electricity supply in the Gaza Strip is also serially misrepresented in BBC reporting.
This Muslim Comic Book Artist Says He Was Ousted From His Job By The JOOOOOOS
Renowned comic book publisher Marvel fired Indonesian comic artist Ardian Syaf on Wednesday for incorporating religious-based imagery in the second and third issues of X-Men: Gold. The artist included an image of an individual wearing a shirt that said "QS 5:51," referring to the following passage in the Qur'an:
O you who have believed, do not take the Jews and the Christians as allies. They are [in fact] allies of one another. And whoever is an ally to them among you - then indeed, he is [one] of them. Indeed, Allah guides not the wrongdoing people.
Syaf also drew a Jewish character in front of a jewelry store, representing the old polemic that the Jews love money, jewelry, and diamonds.
In response to his firing, Syaf said the following:
But Marvel is owned by Disney. When Jews are offended, there is no mercy.
Clearly, he is simply a peaceful, inclusive individual who harbors no animosity for Jews.
Polish court sentences man in burning of a Jew in effigy
An appeals court in Wroclaw sentenced a man convicted of the 2015 burning in effigy of an ultra-Orthodox Jew to three months in prison.
Piotr Rybak had appealed an earlier sentence of 10 months in prison, with both the defense and prosecution agreeing that he instead serve 10 months of community service. But the court disagreed.
“It was a shameful act because he showed Poland in the eyes of the world as a country of xenophobes,” the judge, Robert Zdych, said at the reading of the verdict.
In November 2015, Rybak participated in an anti-Muslim demonstration against accepting Syrian refugees in Poland. During the event he set fire to an effigy of an Orthodox Jew. He later explained that it was meant to represent George Soros, the Jewish investor and philanthropist who has advocated for a common European asylum policy.
In court, Rybak was supported by a group of nationalists, including a former priest, Jacek Miedlar, who last year during a sermon described the Jews as a “cancer which swept Poland.”
Suspect arrested in swastika attack on Jewish Center, church
Police in Fairfax, Va. have arrested and charged a suspect for spray-painting anti-Semitic graffiti on the city’s Jewish Community Center and a nearby church.
On Wednesday, police arrested Dylan M. Mahone, 20, at his home, based on surveillance video of the incidents, which occurred Tuesday, according to a statement by the Fairfax County Police Dept. He is also accused of posting anti-Semitic flyers on campus at the Northern Virginia Community College in March.
Mahone has been detained, and charged with two counts each of felony destruction of property, placing a swastika on religious property with the intent to intimidate and wearing a mask in public to conceal one’s identity. The college’s police have also charged Mahone with similar crimes.
On Tuesday, “Hitler was right,” swastikas and the “SS” symbol were found spray-painted on the exterior of the JCC building. In addition, “Defend America; No Muslims,” was spray-painted across the church door. “Jesus knows no traitors” was written over the church’s Holy Week schedule, and a sign that read “Say NO to anti-Muslim bigotry” was crossed out.
Cartooning the Jews
In preparing my book, The Implacable Urge to Defame: Cartoon Jews in the American Press, 1877-1935, I looked at thousands of cartoons in magazines such as Puck, Life, Judge, and Judge’s Library that included offensive and malevolent images of Native Americans and African-Americans as well as immigrants especially from Ireland and Eastern Europe. But a casual glance through a few issues of any one of these magazines clearly indicated that a strong anti-Semitic bias was present and undeniable. Cartoonists attacked Jews more scathingly and with more hostility than other groups not only by harping on a few Jewish bodily stereotypes such as having huge noses, pot bellies, and bowed legs but by showing Jews to be criminals, corrupt businessmen who set fires to collect insurance, who gloated over good business deals, and took advantage of bewildered customers. Jews were, as well, unprincipled social climbers intent on teaching their children that making money should be their basic desire in life. Captions were written in broken English as a way of distancing immigrants from mainstream readers and inferring that recent immigrants might not be able to assimilate, let alone become decent American citizens.
Most cartoonists for Puck and the other large-circulation humor magazines probably had minimal contact with Jewish immigrants. So their cartoons were based on little or no knowledge as well as misinformation about their subjects, which was passed on to their readers. Who, then, were the Jews represented in these cartoons? They were people intent on gaming the system. They were immoral and criminal-minded from the get go. In fact, in the 1860s, so many fires were reported to be started by Jewish businessmen that insurance companies would not insure their businesses until it became clear that this was, as we would say today, fake news.
Anne Frank’s final days, as told by her former classmate
Looking through the barbed wire of the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, 14-year-old Nanette Konig could barely recognize her friend and classmate from Amsterdam, Anne Frank.
Both girls had been caught by the Nazis in the Dutch capital and were sent to starve to death in a place Konig describes today as “hell on Earth.” Both were emaciated when they saw each other again in different sections of the same German camp in 1944.
“She looked like a walking skeleton, just like me,” Konig, one of the few living friends of the teenage diarist, told JTA in a video interview from her home in Sao Paulo, Brazil, on April 6, which was her 88th birthday.
As more and more Holocaust survivors die each year, Konig was compelled a decade ago to break her long silence and join a diminishing group of witnesses who now tell their story in the media and at schools. Her lectures, which Konig says she has delivered to thousands of students on three continents, are something that “survivors owe to the victims.”
But it’s also her way of repaying Anne Frank’s father, Otto, who comforted Konig in the aftermath of the liberation of Bergen-Belsen, even as he was grieving for his own two daughters and wife.
Otto Frank, who edited the diaries his daughter wrote while the family was in hiding into the best-selling “The Diary of a Young Girl,” met Konig in 1945 at a rehabilitation center in eastern Holland. Konig, who was 16 and weighed only 60 pounds, was brought there following the Allies’ liberation of Bergen-Belsen — “a hell where people were not exterminated immediately, but died from hunger, dysentery, typhus, cold, exhaustion, beatings, torture and exposure,” she says.
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