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Monday, March 13, 2017

From Ian:

The Dirty Little Secret of Palestinian Journalism - with Agence France-Presse Collusion
Nasser Abu Baker, Chairman of the Palestinian Journalists Syndicate (PJS), who also works as a correspondent for Agence France-Press (AFP), also lashed out at Al-Quds for publishing the Israeli advertisement. "We are determined to combat normalization and those who promote it," he vowed.
Abu Baker, who recently ran in the election for the Fatah Revolutionary Council, is the architect of the PJS campaign to boycott Israeli journalists and media outlets. His political activism constitutes a flagrant violation of the regulations and principles of AFP, and a conflict of interest. However, this does not seem to bother his employers at the French news agency, who apparently do not see a problem with one of their employees running in the election for Fatah's Revolutionary Council.
Abu Baker and his colleagues have one mission: to "combat normalization" with Israel. For them, this task far exceeds in importance exposing financial corruption in the Palestinian Authority (PA) or reporting about assaults on freedom of expression. It is also evidently more important than protesting the arbitrary arrest and torture of their colleagues at the hands of the PA and Hamas.
One can only imagine the response of the Western mainstream media if the chairman of the Israeli Journalists Union or the Government Press Office called for a boycott of Palestinian journalists.
Arab-Israeli teen rounds on ‘hypocritical’ BDS campaign in UK address
An prominent Israeli Arab teenager has rounded on the “hypocritical” campaign to boycott Israel as he outlined his journey to becoming a high-profile supporter of the Jewish state during an address at University College London.
Mohammed Zoabi, who is preparing for his IDF service, said he was determined to ensure there was dialogue after another talk by an Israeli speaker at the campus was shut down last year.
The 19-year-old from Nazarath Illit previously had to flee Israel after receiving death threats over videos he posted online calling for the return of three kidnapped Israeli teenagers.
He said: “I’m sick of conflict, I’m sick of hatred, I’m sick of fearing for my life. I’m sick of so many things, but I think when you’re tired of something and not optimistic about the future, you don’t give up.”
At the talk, organised by UCL Friends of Israel and StandWithUS, he recalled the experiences that led him to his current views, starting with the rocket attacks during the 2006 conflict with Lebanon.
“I remember hearing a siren and hearing my mum yelling, grabbing me to the bomb shelter. She was screaming there was a rocket coming at us”, he says.
Their Christian neighbours were yelling for their children and upstairs a Jewish neighbour was calling to their kids in Hebrew. He recalls being struck by the way violence didn’t discriminate, how in that moment all fled the same threat.
Vic Rosenthal: The transformative power of the Palestinian narrative
The hundred-year war between the Jewish people and the Arabs that hate them will not be over any time soon.
There are a million stories that prove it. This is just one.
Most Israelis remember the heartbreaking tragedy that took place twenty years ago tomorrow, at the Island of Peace at Naharayim on the Israel-Jordan border. This lovely spot was owned by Jews before the War of Independence, and in 1921 an electric power plant was built there by Pinchas Rutenberg, “the man who brought electricity to Palestine.”
The area was cultivated by Israeli farmers. In 1969 the IDF blew up Rutenberg’s villa, which was used as a staging point for terrorist attacks into Israel. But in 1994, Israel and Jordan signed a peace treaty. The Jordanians got the island, but agreed to lease the land back to Israel so that the farmers could continue to use it. It is a beautiful place, and Israelis often visited it, including school groups. It was used as an example of what peace would be like.
A group of schoolgirl from Beit Shemesh was there on March 13, 1997. Jordanian Corporal Ahmed Daqamseh was insulted by their behavior, saying that they were making noise while he was praying. A driver, he took an M16 from another soldier and opened fire at them, killing seven 13- and 14-year old girls and injuring 6 others. Had the rifle not jammed, these numbers would have been higher.

From Noble to Ignoble: Quaker Relations with Israel
Unwittingly, Friends' Central School in Wynnewood, PA, a well-regarded Quaker establishment, has once again come under fire for its ties to the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement supported by the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC).
The school operates in accordance with the Quaker philosophy of "simplicity, peace, integrity, community, equality and stewardship. Underlying all facets of School life is the belief that 'there is that of God in everyone.' Meeting for Worship is central, providing time for connections among members of the community and between individuals and their spiritual sources. Peaceful resolution of conflicts, seeking truth and collaboration are key aspects of a Friends' Central education."
The Quakers have cultivated their image as peaceful and supremely benign. Few suspect, much less know, that one of their central missions is promoting the BDS movement that opposes Israel's existence.
The Quaker experience in the Middle East was unique; they provided relief to Palestinian refugees in 1949-1950 but withdrew after the United Nations took over. The Friends also spearheaded religious diplomacy about the fate of Jerusalem, which was besieged and divided during the war of 1948. Though the mission was unsuccessful, and Jerusalem would remain divided until 1967, their efforts were characterized by the scrupulous evenhandedness and appeals to the religious sensibilities of Christians, Muslims and Jews.
The Quakers play a leading role supporting BDS on university campuses.
Building on this and a long history of opposing Israel, it is no surprise that the AFSC is one of the leading organizations supporting BDS on university campuses and through support to various groups like Students for Justice in Palestine and Jewish Voice for Peace, which spearhead the movement.
Enter Sa'ed Atshan, an assistant professor of peace and conflict studies at Swarthmore College who is also, not surprisingly, a well-known advocate for BDS. Atshan had been set to appear at Friends' Central but his talk was canceled after his BDS ties were exposed to the administration by parents who found the scheduled presentation to be biased and one-sided.

Where do you find women in Bethlehem?

What Gavin McInnes really thinks about the Holocaust

Miles McInnes at Banksy's Walled Off Hotel in Israel

IsraellyCool: Palestinians Find Reason To Be Upset Over Banksy Hotel
Remember Banksy’s Walled Off Hotel in Behtlehem? Despite the fact it’s opening was made to coincide with the anniversary of the Balfour Declaration (to commemorate it as a mistake) and it seems highly critical of Israel and our security fence designed to keep out terrorists, many palestinians are not happy with it.
Some because it is supposed to promote dialogue.
One visitor to the hotel, a local Palestinian student who preferred not to be named, rapidly shifted from excitement to frustration after being informed that the project was aimed at creating dialogue between Israelis and Palestinians.
“We can have dialogue once Palestinians have equal rights,” he said. “If Israelis really want to understand Palestinian suffering, they should fight for the wall’s destruction and not stay in a hotel right next to it.”
Buttu noted the futility of the initiative, saying that “we can’t just pretend that it’s easy for Palestinians and Israelis to come together, hold hands, and sing songs.”

Others because they feel it belittles their martyrs.
Chilean Palestinians threaten to boycott Christians over anti-BDS meeting
Palestinians in Chile threatened to boycott a local Christian organization over a scheduled meeting with the Israeli Christian-Zionist leader Father Gabriel Naddaf.
Last week, Naddaf, the head of the Christian Empowerment Council, was on a tour of the South American country, sponsored by the local JNF-KKL chapter and the Zionist Federation of Chile, to speak out against the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions movement.
He was scheduled to meet with the leaders of ACN-Chile, a Catholic charity organization, and with the head of the Benedictine Monastery in Santiago. However, Palestinian groups said they would take action to financially harm the Christian groups for meeting with the Israeli representative against BDS. The Christian organizations eventually bowed to the pressure and canceled the meeting.
“We must never surrender to extremists, and with all the love we have, we must not give up hope, but we must be smart,” Naddaf, the next day, told a group of religious leaders, the head of Chile’s Jewish community and members of the Chilean government, about the threat of the boycott. “We must not bury our heads in the sand and simply toss out pleasant-sounding slogans. We have to rise up and take action. We are the silent majority and it is the extremists who are taking all the actions. And now is the time to change our approach.”
Report: 24 Palestinian Authority Schools Funded by UK, EU Ignore Aid Conditions, Continue to Indoctrinate Students to Commit Violence Against Israelis
As part of an ongoing investigation, a British daily revealed on Sunday that 24 Palestinian Authority schools are openly ignoring Western demands to cease encouraging violence against Israelis — or else forfeit foreign aid.
According to the Daily Mail, despite public outrage over the UK government’s payments to the PA as part of a commitment to spend £12 billion on foreign aid – following an expose by the paper last year about how taxpayers’ money was going toward paying salaries to convicted terrorists and families of suicide bombers — the schools in question have been continuing to incite students to terrorism through text books and classroom indoctrination.
The Mail on Sunday said that MP Joan Ryan, chair of Labour Friends of Israel – for which a report was prepared by Jerusalem-based research organization Palestinian Media Watch (PMW) — said that though she supports sending aid to the Palestinians, “We cannot stand idly by while the Palestinian Authority sanctions antisemitic incitement which poisons young minds and makes a two-state solution ever more difficult to achieve.”
According to the report, the EU, which gets one-tenth of its aid budget from Britain, is donating £272 million to the PA this year. Both claim that the process of earmarking and monitoring the money is carefully vetted.
Switzerland strikes an unprecedented blow against BDS!
This recent move by Switzerland is by no means a shift in their official position on the middle East as they continue to promote the pre-1967 borders along with a two-state solution. What it shows though is that regardless of one’s view on the Middle East conflict, unorthodox methods to pressure either side are not acceptable. This is the first European Parliament t0 openly state that BDS is antisemitism. Hopefully others will follow suit in the near future.
The president of the World Jewish Congress, Ronald S. Lauder recognized the significance of such a move against those who support BDS and fund it when he stated “The BDS movement claims to support Palestinians, but its real motivation is the delegitimization of the State of Israel. It is a movement based on the anti-Semitic denial of the Jewish people’s right to sovereignty in their own state. The Swiss parliament’s push to cease government funding of organizations that support such an ideology may finally help expose the lies and hypocrisies of the BDS once and for all.”
There is no doubt in my mind that Switzerland will receive a lot of criticism from the Middle East and various countries of the European Union. They just made a bold move against the politically correct establishment, and while their current position on Israel/Palestine is not quite in line with their reputation of being a pacifist country, this recent bill they passed is certainly in line with human decency.
Jewish Voice for Peace’s long embrace of convicted terrorist Rasmea Odeh
Rasmea Odeh will be a featured speaker at the 2017 annual meeting of Jewish Voice for Peace in Chicago, March 31st – April 2nd.
The invitation has created controversy, particularly after Rasmea’s involvement in the March 8, 2017, International Women’s Strike and Day Without A Woman created widespread media attention.
The JVP invite has been covered widely, including at Algemeiner, Jerusalem Post, Chicago Tribune, Daily Caller, Washington Free Beacon, and The Tower, among others. ADL also has commented on the invitation.
Rasmea is listed as one of the featured speakers, on a Who’s Who list of anti-Israel activists (image below is only partial list).

Israel is Finally Unmasked
On the Jewish festival of Purim, we wear masks as a disguise. It reflects the Purim story in which the true nature of the events leading up to Jewish redemption from the threat of annihilation is disguised as a series of apparent coincidences. In today’s upside-down world, the positive activities of the State of Israel are mostly covered up by the International media. Using some recent examples, I’ll now remove the mask to reveal Israel’s true identity.
Israeli scientists have been responsible for many breakthroughs in cancer treatments. But you wouldn’t know this if your only news source was the British Broadcasting Corporation. In the past few months, Israeli cures for leukemia, melanoma and prostate cancer were hidden by the BBC until protests by the Weizmann Institute forced them to interview one of the groundbreaking professors.
If the BBC was fair towards Israel, it would have praised the recent joint study by Israeli and Palestinian Arab researchers into the risk factors for B Cell Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. After all, it reported in 1999 that King Hussain of Jordan had died of the very same cancer. It should also have heralded Dr. Sarit Larisch of Haifa University who discovered ARTS (a protein that regulates normal cell death but is significantly absent in tumors) and the Israeli biotech ARTSaVIT that is developing a treatment based on her research. And how could the Beeb have ignored another Israeli biotech, Medial EarlySign, which has developed an early-warning system to expose patients suffering from colon cancer, upper GI cancer, lung cancer, and epilepsy?
German daily apologizes for including Netanyahu on list of nutsy leaders
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed its anger that the regional German daily newspaper Hamburger Morgenpost included Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in a list of "The Seven Craziest Leaders in the World."
The Israeli premier featured along with Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Seyyed Khamenei North Korea's Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un, the Philippines' President Rodrigo Duterte, Syria's President Bashar al-Assad, Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe and Russia's President Vladimir Putin, with whom Netanyahu met on Thursday in Moscow.
The text accompanying Netanyahu's picture says that he is promoting settlement policies and that he tried to convince former US President Barack Obama to attack Iran.
Hamburger Morgenpost has left-wing editorial positions. Two years ago, it published a caricature of the Islamic religious figure Mohammed.
BBC News reinforces selected ‘peace process’ narratives yet again
On March 10th an article titled “Trump Middle East: Palestinian leader invited to White House” was published on the BBC News website’s Middle East page. The subject matter of that four hundred and four word-long report is ostensibly a ten-minute phone call between the presidents of the US and the Palestinian Authority which took place that day. However, much of the article was used to reinforce narratives already evident in BBC content for some time.
1) Readers were told that:
“Mr Trump hosted Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in February.
At that meeting, Mr Trump dropped a long-standing US commitment to a two-state solution for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.”

As has been noted here before, the day after the Israeli prime minister’s visit to the White House, the BBC published an article in which a member of the US administration clarified its stance:
“The US ambassador to the UN has said her country “absolutely” supports the idea of a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian dispute.
But Nikki Haley also said the Trump administration was “thinking outside the box as well”, suggesting it was open to other possible solutions.”

Despite having published that report, the BBC News website nevertheless continues to promote the narrative of a ‘major policy shift’ concerning the two-state solution on the part of the US administration.
Challenged and unchallenged claims in a BBC ‘Hardtalk’ interview – part one
A significant proportion of the interview related to the Palestinian Authority’s relationship with the new US administration and additional topics included internal Palestinian politics and economy. While some of Zomlot’s claims and statements were challenged – at times vigorously – by Sackur, others were not challenged at all.
Part one of this post will look at the subjects on which Sackur did chose to use his role as interviewer in order to clarify points to BBC audiences and part two will examine the claims and issues on which he refrained from challenging Zomlot.
When Zomlot claimed a “national consensus” regarding the two-state solution, Sackur intervened to clarify to audiences that the claim is inaccurate, although he did not similarly challenge the myth of Israel being on ‘Palestinian land’ or point out that – crucially to the issue under discussion – the PA and Fatah refuse to recognise Israel as the Jewish state.
Zomlot: “And, you know, it took us so many years to get to that national equilibrium here in Palestine; to establish a national consensus on the two-state solution and on accepting, recognising Israel on 78% of our land. […]
Sackur: “…you claim you’ve reached a consensus, which of course you haven’t because that’s why Gaza and the West Bank are so deeply divided politically so we’ll get to that later.”
Challenged and unchallenged claims in a BBC ‘Hardtalk’ interview – part two
Zomlot’s denial of Jerusalem as the capital – and seat of government – of Israel, his ridiculous claim concerning water consumption and his use of ‘apartheid’ and ‘colonisation’ tropes went unremarked by Sackur.
Zomlot: “Steve, the whole situation here is that of a system of entitlement. These people – some people in Tel Aviv right now – the government, the Right-wing extreme government, wants to keep a system whereby there is a group that are privileged as per these numbers. It’s our own water that they consume, most of it. Some groups that are privileged and others that are disprivileged [sic] and discriminated whether by means of occupation or by means of colonisation or by means of apartheid.”
Even the ridiculous claim that Palestinians are “treated as slaves” and use of the ‘chosen people’ trope produced no reaction from the BBC interviewer.
Zomlot: “Does this mean ending Israel’s occupation and establishing a State of Palestine? We are happy to proceed with you as partners. But if this means we will continue to be treated as slaves in our own land and we continue to put up against some people who argue that God is estate agent and God chose some people at the expense of others.”
In addition, on several occasions Sackur himself failed to adhere to the BBC’s own style on the use of the term ‘Palestine’ which states “in day-to-day coverage of the Middle East you should not affix the name ‘Palestine’ to Gaza or the West Bank” – for example:
Sackur: “I’m going to stop you because you’re raising so many different points, all of which are important, about internal politics in Palestine.
Dutch Muslims shout anti-Semitic slogans at protest over Turkish minister
Dutch Muslims shouted anti-Semitic slogans amid violent clashes with police in Rotterdam over authorities’ refusal to allow a Turkish Cabinet minister to campaign in Holland for a Turkey referendum vote.
Dozens of protesters gathered Saturday night in front of the Turkish consulate in the Dutch city to listen to Family Minister Fatma Betul Sayan Kaya. Upon receiving a false rumor that she had been arrested, the crowd began roaring “cancer Jews” and “cancer Wilders” shortly before the outbreak of violence that led to the injury of five people, including one policeman, the Algemeen Dagblan reported.
Geert Wilders is an anti-Islam politician who, according to polls, is in a tight race with Prime Minister Mark Rutte, ahead of Wednesday’s general elections in the country. Wilders has campaigned against allowing Turkish ministers to campaign in the Netherlands. Rutte instructed police to prevent the ministers from addressing crowds in the Netherlands, in a move that some criticized as illegal, but others praised as a justified bid to prevent external intervention by Turkey in Dutch affairs.
Kaya came to the Netherlands to campaign among Turks living in Europe to vote yes on a referendum next month that would greatly expand the powers of the country’s authoritarian president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
Switzerland to launch Holocaust remembrance app
A new app to teach youth about the Holocaust will be a centerpiece of Switzerland’s chairmanship of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance.
Switzerland took over the rotating chairmanship of the 31-member inter-governmental group on March 7 from Romania.
The app, called Fliehen vor dem Holocaust, or Escaping the Holocaust, allows users to learn about the fate of four individuals using multimedia tools.
Educators must take on “the challenge of virtual reality” so youth will grasp that “we are speaking about people,” not merely about numbers, Benno Bättig, secretary-general of Switzerland’s Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, said in a ceremony at the Swiss embassy in Berlin.
Founded in 1998, the alliance aims to unite political and social leaders behind the need for Holocaust education, remembrance and research.
Team Israel Suffers First Loss at World Baseball Classic, Likely Needs Win Over Japan on Wednesday to Advance to Championship Round
Team Israel, the Cinderella story of the 2017 World Baseball Classic so far, suffered its first loss of the tournament on Monday, falling 12-2 to the Netherlands at the Tokyo Dome.
In its third and final second round game on Wednesday, Israel will square off against heavily-favored Japan.
A victory for Israel will likely be necessary for it to move on to the championship round in Los Angeles on March 20-22.
Israel’s loss to the Netherlands came a day after it upset Cuba 4-1. The team swept its first round matches last week against Korea, Chinese Taipei and the Netherlands at the Gocheok Sky Dome in Seoul.
Only two of the players on Israel’s roster are citizens of the Jewish state. World Baseball Classic rules allow players to compete for any countries in which they qualify for citizenship. This enables Israel to draw on the talent of non-native Jewish athletes who are eligible for Israeli citizenship under the Law of Return.
In an interview with The Algemeiner in January, Team Israel pitcher Josh Zeid — who played in the Major Leagues for the Houston Astros in 2013 and 2014 — said the squad was setting its sights high for the quadrennial tournament.
‘Make No Mistake; We Represent Israel,’ Says Coach of Team Taking Jewish State to Quarter Finals in World Baseball Classic 2017
As Team Israel celebrated its fourth win in the World Baseball Classic 2017 – this time 4:1 against Cuba – its manager took the opportunity to refute claims that the American players have no real connection to the Jewish state, the Hebrew news site nrg reported on Sunday.
“Make no mistake,” said coach Jerry Weinstein, “Our attitude is that we are representing Israel. We are not a B team for the US; we are Team Israel.”
The team of Jewish Americans — only two players hold Israeli passports, and only one was born in Israel — was initially the lowest-ranked (41 in the world) of the 16 teams in the current tournament. Its latest victory ushered the underdog team into the quarter finals.
As The Algemeiner reported last week, WBC rules allow players to compete for any countries in which they qualify for citizenship. This enables Israel to draw on the talent of non-native Jewish athletes who are eligible for Israeli citizenship under the Law of Return.
Iron Dome, Waze named top Israeli inventions
In honor of Albert Einstein’s 138th birthday, the Ministry of Science, Technology and Space will host its National Science Day happening, on March 14. Universities and research centers across the country will hold special events (free of charge) that highlight the fun aspects of science while simultaneously raising public awareness and interest.
The Ministry also published a survey on Top Israeli Innovations. Sixty-one percent of Israelis chose the Iron Dome as the Most Innovative Israeli invention.
The navigation app Waze was chosen as the second most important invention, followed by the disk-on-key/flash drive, Copaxone, drip irrigation and Intel chips.
“National Science Day is an excellent opportunity to show pride in the many inventions Israelis developed. We have some of the most brilliant minds in the world and great creativity,” said Science, Technology and Space Minister Ofir Akunis.
Recharge electric vehicles from under the road
As more and more electric vehicles hit urban streets across the world, better battery-recharging solutions are desperately needed to improve range, keep costs low and boost user confidence.
Oren Ezer (CEO) and Hanan Rumbak (CTO) cofounded ElectRoad in 2013 to develop their unique twist on the concept of underground electric coils that recharge vehicles as they travel on the road.
In a few months, ElectRoad’s dynamic wireless electrification system is beginning a pilot project in Tel Aviv involving a short public bus route.
“The idea of electrifying vehicles from the road is trendy right now and you can see several companies trying to do a similar concept to us, but our technology is totally different, from the coils under the asphalt to the transfer of energy to the bus,” Ezer tells ISRAEL21c.
ElectRoad received funding in October 2015 from the European Union’s €18 billion Horizon 2020 project to refine its objectives, define its market segment and woo strategic partners.
Intel announces $15.3 billion buyout of Mobileye
The largest acquisition for an Israeli high-tech company came about today, March 13, when US chip giant Intel announced its $15.3 billion purchase of Mobileye collision-avoidance technology supplier.
Intel Corporation and Mobileye today announced a definitive agreement under which Intel would acquire the Israeli global leader in the development of computer vision and machine learning, data analysis, localization and mapping for advanced driver assistance systems and autonomous driving.
“This acquisition is a great step forward for our shareholders, the automotive industry and consumers,” said Brian Krzanich, Intel CEO.
“Intel provides critical foundational technologies for autonomous driving including plotting the car’s path and making real-time driving decisions. Mobileye brings the industry’s best automotive-grade computer vision and strong momentum with automakers and suppliers. Together, we can accelerate the future of autonomous driving with improved performance in a cloud-to-car solution at a lower cost for automakers.”
“We expect the growth towards autonomous driving to be transformative. It will provide consumers with safer, more flexible, and less costly transportation options, and provide incremental business model opportunities for our automaker customers,” said Ziv Aviram, Mobileye Co-Founder, President and CEO.
According to a statement by Mobileye, a subsidiary of Intel “will commence a tender offer to acquire all of the issued and outstanding ordinary shares of Mobileye for $63.54 per share in cash, representing an equity value of approximately $15.3 billion and an enterprise value of $14.7 billion.”
Mobileye to stay centered in Israel after buyout, will lead Intel work on driverless car
Mobileye, the company sold to Intel on Monday for $15.3 billion — the highest price for a technology company in Israeli history — will remain centered in Israel, its director general said.
Ziv Aviram told Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who had called to congratulate him, that Mobileye would establish a world development center in Israel and would take responsibility internationally, on behalf of Intel, for the creation of a driverless car, a statement from the Prime Minister’s Office said.
Earlier, Netanyahu took to Twitter to praise “Israeli genius, Israeli pride.”
The prime minister told Aviram, “the deal proves dramatically that the vision we lead is bearing fruit. Israel is turning into a world center for technology, not only in cyber, but also in cars.”
Mobileye’s shares shot up nearly 30 percent in pre-market trading on the NASDAQ stock exchange after the news broke.
Transportation Minister Israel Katz praised Intel and Mobileye for the “historic deal, which puts Israel at center stage in the development of an automatic car and the prevention of accidents.”
Watch Israel's Gal Gadot stars in new 'Wonder Woman' trailer
A new trailer for upcoming Warner Bros. film 'Wonder Woman' was released on Sunday. It shows Israeli actress, Gal Gadot, as the Amazon princess who is also the daughter of Greek god Zeus.
In the trailer she meets an American soldier (Chris Pine) who is washed ashore on her island during the First World War. Gadot returns to the role after appearing as Wonder Woman in 'Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice'.
The film also features 'Star Trek' actor Chris Pine, Connie Nielsen and 'Princess Bride' actress Robin Wright. 'Wonder Woman' is due for release in June 2017.

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