They just released this statement on Twitter:
Ellison is an ally in the fight against antisemitism and supports Israel?
This Tablet article describes how Ellison organized a rally where Khalid Abdul Muhammad said “if words were swords, the chests of Jews, gays and whites would be pierced.”
The Daily Caller wrote recently:
The man poised to head the Democratic Party [Ellison] was a spokesman for the Nation of Islam well into his 30’s who publicly spewed anti-Semitism and later in life as a Congressional candidate knowingly accepted $50,000 in campaign contributions given and raised by Islamic radicals who openly supported Islamic terrorism and were leaders of front groups for Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood.Discover the Networks says:
And once in office as a Congressman, Keith Ellison more than hinted that 9/11 was an inside job carried out to create pretext for war against Muslims – a trope often pushed by anti-Semites who claim Israeli or “Mossad” complicity – by comparing 9/11 to the Reichstag Fire, the infamous 1933 arson of the German Parliament building, which the Nazis pinned on Communists and thus used to gain majority control of the government and establish Nazi Germany.
In February 1990, Ellison participated in sponsoring Kwame Ture (a.k.a. Stokely Carmichael) to speak at his law school on the subject, “Zionism: Imperialism, White Supremacy, or Both?”—a speech that proved to be deeply anti-Semitic.Legal Insurrection notes Ellison's problematic history but also his current ties to extreme anti-Israel groups.
Ellison was one of the very few members of Congress to vote against US funding of Iron Dome.
The list goes on and on.
And the ADL supports this person who goes against everything the ADL used to stand for?
Some have recently noted that Jonathan Greenblatt had previously worked at the far-left, George Soros-funded Aspen Institute.
If you would shoot a spitball randomly in a Congressional session, chances are excellent you would hit someone with less hate than Keith Ellison. The ADL support for Ellison is nothing short of a betrayal of its original mission to fight antisemitism.