Palestine News Network and other Arab media have reported in mid-August:
This week PLO Executive Committee Member Dr. Hanan Ashrawi conducted separate meetings with diplomats at the PLO Headquarters in Ramallah.Let's take a"> look down memory lane at Ashrawi's accomplishments that allow her to receive this honor:
Dr. Ashrawi received French Consul General Hervé Magro at her office today, and in the meeting, Consul General Magro informed Dr. Ashrawi that the French government has awarded her the distinguished French decoration, “Chevalier de la Légion D’honneur” (Knight of the Legion of Honor). Dr. Ashrawi expressed her deep appreciation to France for the honor. The official ceremony will take place next month in Ramallah.
- She has called any Jewish civilian living over the Green Line a legitimate target of Palestinian resistance."
- During the Oslo process, in 1999, Ashrawi said that any two-state solution would be temporary, asserting that a single state (where Jews would be the minority) would be the ultimate answer.
- She has blamed Israel for the lack of Arab democracy.
- She has accused Israel of "enslaving" Palestinian Arabs.
- Her Miftah organization has published the blood libel against Jews, accusing them of using Christian blood for matzah.
- Ashrawi's Miftah organization still, today, has articles praising mass-murdering Palestinian terrorists like Dalal Mughrabi and Ahlam Tamimi as feminist role models.
- Ashrawi claims that Palestinians who live under Palestinian rule are "refugees" but Jews who were born in and expelled from Arab lands and who live in Israel cannot be given that title.
- Ashrawi says that the idea of Jews having access to their holiest site is "a declaration of war against Islam."
- She said, in reference to the terror attacks in Nice, " “The Palestinian leadership and people stand in solidarity with France and remain committed to nonviolence; we are opposed to any acts of extremism or terror targeting innocent civilians.” Yet her own organization says "Resistance in all forms against the armed colonial settlers and the army of occupation is a legitimate form of the struggle for freedom...Suicide bombing is the ultimate cry of help...."
- She claims that defining Israel as a Jewish state is racist, but the Palestinian Basic Law that declares that it is an Arab state does not seem to bother her.
- Her Miftah organization explicitly denounces EU policy of supporting peaceful co-existence and cooperation between Israeli and Palestinian groups.
Besides her hypocrisy, lies, support for terror and denial of any Jewish national rights, what has she ever done that has contributed to peace in any real sense?
She hasn't. Instead, she has contributed to incitement, hate and terror.
Her PR team must be dancing over how they have fooled the Western world into thinking that Hanan Ashrawi supports peace with Israel.
(h/t Daled Amos)