So they have made up a story of Olympic revenge to restore Muslim honor.
Egyptian, Palestinian and other Arabic media are reporting that the Muslim world exacted revenge on Israel for this loss by inflicting a humiliating defeat on another Israeli judoka. 112th ranked Mathews Punza defeated 6th ranked Israeli judoka Golan Pollack in a huge upset (video), and Pollack could not believe that he lost, cradling his head in his arms afterwards.
Two problems with this story of supposed revenge.
The first one is that the Pollack/Punza match occurred five days before the Sasson/Shahaby match.
The second is that I have no evidence that Punza is a Muslim. Zambia is an overwhelmingly Christian country, and a name like "Mathews" sounds more Christian than Muslim. While it is possible that Punza is Muslim, it seems unlikely.
Once again, it is all about honor, and the narrative of a Muslim humiliating a Jew as revenge is not only an irresistible story for Arabs, but a necessary one because they simply couldn't live with themselves otherwise. They had no other opportunity for vengeance and the idea of being a good sport about losing to a Jew is simply impossible for them to accept.