Look at all of those Talmudic Jews! |
From Egyptian news site El-Shamal News, which looks like a normal, respectable news site based on the stories on its front page.
Global Talmudic Zionism has succeeded in planting a Talmudic Zionist gang who are staunch enemies of Islam and Muslims in the very land of Muhammad, since the 284-year-old when Zionism succeeded and convinced Britain to install the Mordechai family whose lineage started with the Jews of Khaybar to take the name of the Al-Saud and (Britain) enabled them and international Zionism to British colonial occupation of the Hijaz led by the name of Muhammad ibn Saud and Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab who have committed the most heinous crimes against the people of Hijaz and the people of Iraq.The article goes on to say that the Shah of Iran as well as Saddam Hussein were all Talmudic agents, and it praises Hezbollah and the Iranian regime as well as the Houthis in Yemen as the only true Muslims willing to stand up against these Talmudic Jewish fake Muslim murderers.
(More on the supposed jewish origin of the Saud family can be seen in lots of conspiracy websites like this.)
The Talmudic family is hungry for the killing of Muslims for several reasons:
First: the revenge of their ancestors for the (massacre of the) Jews of Khybar.
Secondly, because the Talmud says to kill a lot of non-Jews to draw near to God and enters the supreme paradise. Therefore the Wahhabists killed more than 600,000 Muslims in addition to the thousands of pilgrims and also destroyed many Islamic monuments in the Hijaz and Iraq, while they kept their ties to their ancestors the Jews of Khaybar.
After the release of Mohamed Ali Pasha Hijaz of the Wahhabis in 1814, colonial England decided to return the ring of the Talmud to the rule of Hejaz and provided them with the latest types of weapons at the time and enabled them to occupy the Arabian Peninsula after the killing of tens of thousands of people of Hijaz. Also a gang of Talmudic Yemenites occupied three Yemeni governorates - Asir, Jizan and Najran- and gave the Mordechai family the first waiver of Palestine while also continuing destruction of Islamic monuments.... as support for the Zionist gangs that came to the rape of Palestine.
The Talmudic descendants continued killing Muslims either via US, British, French and Israeli wars, or by supporting terrorist groups that target only Muslims, or through fatwas that allows the killing of those hostile to the Jews and their associates.
The Talmudic family uses large amounts of money looted from the wealth of the Hijaz in the killing of Muslims and to finance all Western colonial wars of Zionism....The Talmudic gang were involved in the bombing of mosques and markets to ensure the Dar Al-Fatwa in the Kingdom of the Talmud paradise ....
The Talmudic family killed more than 10 million Muslims because of the Talmudic motto that everyone who kills a lot of non-Jews will enter Paradise, and 10 million dead Muslims would ensure the highest levels of Paradise.
This strongly indicates that the people that are behind this antisemitic screed are from Iran. The author's name is Shahat Shata, and he has written similar articles for Arab media in the past, so it appears that he is part of an Iranian psych-ops campaign against Saudi Arabia and other enemies of Iran.