Hamza was discussing a rumored proposed law where Egypt would sell citizenship to people who wanted it, in order to raise badly-needed cash.
But Hamza i very concerned about this alleged law. You see, Jews could become citizens of Egypt and use this to turn Egypt into an Israeli colony to fulfill the Biblical requirement that the Jewish state go from the Nile to the Euphrates. They will do this by reclaiming the land that was taken from them when they were forced out of Egypt in the 1950s and 1960s. Somehow they will become citizens in such high numbers that they can overturn Egyptian laws that confiscated their land, even though there are far more Egyptians than there are Jews in the world.
But then the Jews will do something sneakier. They will buy the land from Rafah to El Arish and turn that into a Palestinian state! Even though they will have a Greater Israel, for some reason they will want to give some of that away so the Palestinians would have no claim to the territories and forfeit their "right to return."
And this is not a crackpot. He is a respected activist and academic. The newspaper felt that his tweets merited an article, and it wasn't a sarcastic one.