From Haaretz:
A left wing NGO's bus was the victim of a rock throwing attack near Hebron in the West Bank Friday, lightly wounding three.Really? How, exactly, does "Breaking the Silence" help make Arabs hate Jews less when they are dedicated to telling the world how horrible (other) Jews are? What does a group that helps fuel incitement against Israelis do to stop the results of that incitement?
The assailants who carried out the attack in south Mount Hebron were Palestinian children, Breaking the Silence told Haaretz. The three wounded were participating on a Breaking the Silence tour at the time of the attack.
The group, which was founded by veterans of the Israel Defense Force, is involved in exposing claims of army misconduct in the Palestinian territories. The veterans run tours around the West Bank to 'break the silence' or tell of their darker IDF experiences, while returning to areas where similar human rights violations are said to be taking place.
"To everyone's benefit, no one involved was seriously wounded," said the Breaking the Silence spokesperson of the incident.
"This is the reality in the territories and we are working to change it," he said.
Meanwhile, TOI adds something about another stoning attack today:
Palestinian stone throwers also pelted the car of Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem Fuad Twal as he arrived in Bethlehem for Christmas celebrations. No passengers were injured, but damage was caused to the vehicle.Muslims stoning Christians? Nah, that's not news.
Yenta adds that the car has diplomatic license plates so it is not as if they assumed that it was an Israeli car. The attackers likely knew who was in it.
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Posted By Elder of Ziyon to Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News at 12/25/2015 02:00:00 PM