I found this article in an obscure African website.
It starts off as a quite interesting story about how an Israeli worked hard to try to save the African wild ass from extinction by airlifting a dozen from Ethiopia for a Biblical animal wildlife preserve in Israel in 1972. he enlisted government officials and even the army to transfer the animals. It begins as a feel-good story about how Israelis care about their original native animals.
But halfway through, it turns into an anti-Israel screed, saying that Ethiopian Jews feel that they are less important to Israel than donkeys since they were not airlifted until ten years later,and they still feel discriminated against. It goes through a brief history of Israel that includes lies like "During the 1947-8 war, Zionist forces drove out approximately three-quarters of a million Palestinian Arabs."
The rest of the article ends up being a critique of Israel and Zionism, calling Israelis racists.
Who wrote this article?
David Sheen, of Electronic Intifada, who makes his living writing anti-Israel pieces and giving anti-Israel speeches.
But this one starts off as a seemingly well-researched human interest story and only after the reader is "hooked" does he introduce his poison.
It is a very sophisticated propaganda technique. People who are already reading something they are emotionally invested in are not as likely to start critically thinking halfway through.

Posted By Elder of Ziyon to Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News at 11/01/2015 07:00:00 PM