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Wednesday, September 9, 2015 has complained to the publisher of a Dutch textbook that is filled with anti-Israel inaccuracies and invective, while pretending to be fair.

The first 20 pages of the text is online but the worst stuff is later on.

The organization identified some 41 errors, distortions and omissions. Some of the more notable ones:

Chapter 2 about the founding of Israel is called "Born of injustice, founded on injustice." The publisher claims that they are referring to the Holocaust. This is absurd.

"From the times of the patriarch Abraham (around 2000 BC) until Roman times Jews inhabited the land of Palestine." (Page 22) Besides the issue of calling the Land of Israel "Palestine," the book does not admit that Jews lived in Eretz Yisroel continuously since then. The publisher refused to correct that.

"The British government was urgently shy in the war for money. Jewish banking houses would be willing to favorable loan conditions as the government made a gesture to the Jewish people. "(Reasons for the Balfour Declaration, page 23).

This is one of four reasons given for the Balfour Declaration - Jewish money. Yet the book doesn't mention the main reason - that it was universally recognized that Jews were a nation, and that their homeland was historic Israel and Judea, and that they should be able to live there as a nation.

"The [Balfour Declaration] contained two irreconcilable promises:. On the one hand the establishment of a Jewish national home and on the other preserving the rights of the 'non-Jewish communities" (page 23)
There is no contradiction between the two unless you assume a priori that Jews cannot treat non-Jews' rights. If that is the case then neither can any other nation offer civil rights to minorities in an acceptable manner.

"In 1936 a civil war broke out in Palestine between Jews and Arabs." (Page 24)
It just "broke out!" No one at fault! The role of the Mufti is not mentioned. The murderous riots of 1929 (and earlier) are not mentioned.

I believe that the same publisher, Feniks (Phoenix,) wrote this timeline of Middle East history that shows the bias of the book (autotranslated)

Failed rebellion of the Jews against the Romans
! 869
Opening Suez Canal
Begin Automotive
British occupation of Egypt. Egypt becomes British protectorate
Establishment in Basel of the Zionist world organization with the aim of international legal recognition Jewish National home in Palestine
Young Turks staged a coup.
Founding British Petroleum (BP)
Sultan Abdul Hamid II is deposed and replaced by a military triumvirate
April: deportation of Armenians into the Syrian desert Genocide with 600,000 to 1 million victims.
Mac Mahan Papers: The British High Commissioner in Egypt gives to the Arab prince Hussein Ibn Ali, the promise that he could establish an independent kingdom on the Arabian peninsula and into Syria and Iraq
Sykes-Picot treaty. France and England shared the secret area in the Middle East.
Balfour declaration: November 2nd. British Foreign Minister stated that the British Government was sympathetic to the establishment and Jewish National home in Palestine. In exchange for financial support from the banking house Rothschild
Establishment League
Treaty of Sevres, Arabs no independence
British mandate over Palestine
Founding of the Haganah: Jewish defense force
Establishment Jewish Agency, Jewish forerunner Government
Transjordan is loosened by the British from Palestine
Treaty of Lausanne which the boundaries of modern Turkey were recognized
Exclamation secular state by Kemal Ataturk Turkey
Establishment Mapai party, akin to the Histradoet
Assumption in Nazi Germany of the Neurenburger laws, which all civil rights were taken away from the Jews.
Outright civil war in Palestine between Jews and Arabs.
Wannsee Conference (January), where the Nazis decided on the "final solution of the Jewish question."
Establishment Arab League to promote Arab unity.
Nuremberg trials: Here the Nazis by the Allies sufferers were brought before a special court.
Syria independence
On November 29 the United Nations General Assembly is in favor of the partition of Palestine into a Jewish - and a Palestinian part.
(April) Extremist Jews committed in the village of Deir Yassin massacre of 254 Arab residents
(May 14) Establishment by David Ben Gurion of the independent Jewish state of Israel.
(May 15) British Mandate of Palestine leave.
Revolutionary War between Israel and its Arab neighbors which Israel conquered West Jerusalem and the Negev Desert.
Doubling Israel's population of 650,000 to 1.3 million
Truce between Israel and its Arab neighbors. File Lines were recognized as the borders of the new state of Israel. Gaza came under Egyptian administration. West Bank of the Jordan came under the management of Trans-Jordan. In 1950 lijfde King Abdullah in this at Jordan.
Military coup in Egypt. King Farouk was deposed and Egypt became a republic under the leadership of Gamal Abdul Nasser
Suez Canal war. France Britain and Israel occupied the Sinai desert and the area around the Suez Canal after Nasser nationalized the Suez Canal. The two superpowers adopted strict action now and England, France and Israel had to withdraw their troops.
Coup in Iraq. Royal family murdered. Iraq became a republic
Coup in Syria by the Baath Party
Six Day War in June. Israel managed to turn off the air forces of Egypt and Syria before it attacked Israel. Within six days, Israel won the war and occupied the Golan Heights, the Gaza Strip, the Sinai and the West Bank including East Jerusalem.
Saddam Hussein's grip, backed by the Baath Party, in power.
After the death of Nasser Anwar Sadat became the new President of Egypt
Hafez al-Assad of Syria leader
October War / Yom Kippur War. During the Jewish holiday attacked the Egyptian - and the Syrian army invaded Israel. A big shock in Israel.Egypt won the psychological war.
Oil Boycott proclaimed by OPEC.
Signing of the Camp David agreement between the US, Egypt and Israel.The Sinai was returned to Egypt, they recognized each other and the Palestinians were given limited self-government.
President Sadat of Egypt was assassinated. He was picked by President Mubarak follow.
War between Iraq and Iran.
(August) Iraq within Kuwait. First Gulf War creates and will last until March 1991.
Operation Desert Storm. Allied action to liberate Kuwait.
Rabbin is murdered during a peace rally by a Jewish extremist
(March 20) Initial Operation Iraqi Freedom.

Nothing about the Jewish kingdoms, Nothing about Jews moving to Israel during the 19th century. Nothing about Arab terror attacks against Jews or Palestinian airplane hijackings or Munich or Entebbe or the intifadas or even Oslo.

And the parts I highlighted are completely wrong.

When textbooks push lies, how can anyone expect the next generation to be able to look at Israel in a fair manner?

(h/t Het Vrije Volk)

Posted By Elder of Ziyon to Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News at 9/09/2015 08:00:00 AM

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