From Hurriyet Daily News:
Locals in the central Turkish province of Malatya have been relieved to learn a UFO they spotted in the skies was not actually transporting evil Martians, but however voiced concern over possible espionage as it carried an Israeli flag.It is time for some enterprising Israeli to make hundreds of custom mylar balloons saying "Israel Spy Balloon" in English, Arabic, Turkish and Farsi, release them and see what happens.
The balloon, which fell into a house’s garden in Malatya’s Hekimhan district, read the touristic-sounding remark “Welcome to Israel,” Cihan News Agency reported on Aug. 6.
According to the report gendarmerie forces seized the balloon, as some locals complained Israel might have been using it to spy on them.
Moments before the balloon landed, it had triggered a brief round of UFO excitement. A local named Ersin Evren even filmed the balloon’s slow descent.
Posted By Elder of Ziyon to Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News at 8/07/2015 02:00:00 PM