The domain was registered in April.
300 business people have registered, and adds:
Foreign Minister Sebastian Kurz said on Thursday morning to the APA and the "Wiener Zeitung" that the agreement is a "chance for the Austrian economy and intensification of relations" with Iran. "We have traditionally good relations with Iran and if the deal is implemented and the sanctions are lifted, it will help Austrian companies a variety of ways," said Kurz, who wants to travel in September together with Federal President Heinz Fischer and a large trade delegation to Tehran.There is so much pent-up demand from the EU to sell to Iran that the idea of "snapback sanctions" is nothing but a joke.
At around 400 million euros, exports from Austria amounted to Iran in 2004. Ten years later, they are only at 232 million euros. We are now ready to again significantly increase the volume of trade between Austria and Iran and to achieve the a billion euros, said the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber.
(h/t Dian)
Posted By Elder of Ziyon to Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News at 7/23/2015 08:30:00 AM