He issued a document describing a strategy on how to destroy Israel, in the words of the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs (not yet in English.)
His main points are:
- Consider rescinding the PLO's recognition of Israel
- Mobilize international support to force Israel to withdraw to the pre-1967 lines
- Ensure that "refugees" and their descendants retain that status for generations, with the aim for the eventual demographic destruction of the State of Israel
- Continuation of activities designed to give legitimaxy to the independence of the State of Palestine through joining international institutions
- Absolute denial of any offer of temporary or partial agreements with Israel
- A legal battle against Israel in the international arena in order to limit its ability to defend itself against Palestinian terrorism
- Strategic aligning with Palestinian terrorist organizations, led by Hamas and Islamic Jihad, through their participation in the PLO institutions and speeding up the process of reconciliation with Hamas
- Full support for Palestinian terrorist organizations and diplomatic activity to prevent the entry of any terrorist organization into any list of terrorist organizations.
- Support of terrorist murderers serving sentences for war crimes and pushing a political struggle for their immediate unconditional release.
- Supporting "lone wolf" attacks against Israelis, such as stabbings, car terror, IEDs and Molotov cocktails
- Help increase the political power of Israeli Arabs.
He also has been making grandiose claims, saying yesterday that as the head of the PLO's Negotiations Affairs Department, he represents 11 million Palestinians. Which would be news to the ones who live in Lebanon or Syria, since the PLO has been treating them as cannon fodder rather than as human beings.
(h/t Yoel)
Posted By Elder of Ziyon to Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News at 6/26/2015 08:00:00 AM