A council diplomat said Russia blocked a French-drafted press statement on Tuesday that would have condemned the Hezbollah attack on the Israeli soldiers as a violation of the resolution that ended the 2006 war as well as the death of the Spanish peacekeeper, saying it was "unbalanced."Hezbollah us bragging about the condemnation being stopped, writing in its Al Manar site:
The blocked statement, supported by Spain and many other council members, also expressed grave concern over the deterioration of the situation along both sides of the so-called Blue Line separating Lebanon and Israel, the diplomat said, speaking on condition of anonymity because discussions were closed.
Lebanon has managed to frustrate a French endeavor in the UN Security Council to issue a presidential statement that condemns Hezbollah over Shebaa operations.
The efforts exerted by the Lebanese Foreign Ministry and the Russian stance in the Security council contributed to foiling the French attempt which was clearly backed by the Israeli envoy who considered, as a result, that Hezbollah is represented in the International Organization.
Posted By Elder of Ziyon to Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News at 2/06/2015 02:00:00 PM