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Thursday, January 8, 2015

From Ian:

PMW: Attempted murder is Palestinian “pride,” according to PA daily
On Dec. 25, 2014 a Palestinian terrorist stabbed two Israeli soldiers who were on a routine patrol in the Old City of Jerusalem, causing them light injuries. The stabbing was caught on a security video and was posted on the internet.
The bi-weekly supplement to the official Palestinian Authority daily, Al-Asima, published an article that glorified the terrorist who attempted the murder and expressed hope that this will be a precedent for future attacks against “the Zionists”:
"These kinds of confrontations which frighten the enemy are excellent Palestinian examples of willpower and determination to win... The video of the Palestinian storming and stabbing of Zionists serves as a school... Now, every Palestinian raises his hand holding a knife together with this young Palestinian, and stabs the Zionists."
Amb. Alan Baker: UN Approves PA for ICC
There is no doubt that the 2012 UN General Assembly Palestinian upgrade resolution was nothing more than a political expression of opinion by those states voting in favor. It was not a legal determination and could not create a Palestinian state, nor could it serve as a legal basis for determining that the Palestinians are a state, or for a depositary’s accepting them as such.
The same goes for the ICC prosecutor. Since the previous 2012 refusal by the former prosecutor to accept the 2009 Palestinian attempt to join the court, nothing has changed legally and therefore the court should not accept the Palestinians now only on the strength of the political upgrade resolution.
In view of the above, the acceptance by the Secretary General of the Palestinian request is legally flawed and was determined under false pretenses – “false” because there exists no sovereign Palestinian state, and “pretenses” because of the pretension by the Secretary General as if such a state exists when he is fully aware that there is no legal basis for this.
In light of the above, the Secretary General must revoke his communication and respond to the Palestinian request that after due examination, since they are not a sovereign state, they cannot, pursuant to the provisions of Art. 126(2) of the ICC statute, accede thereto.
US says Palestinians ineligible to join ICC
The spokesperson for the US State Department said Wednesday that the Obama administration does not consider the Palestinians eligible to join the International Criminal Court, as Palestine is not a sovereign state.
In a press briefing, Jen Psaki clarified the Washington’s position on Palestinian moves for membership in the ICC.
“The United States does not believe that the state of Palestine qualifies as a sovereign state and does not recognize it as such and does not believe that it is eligible to accede to the Rome Statute,” Psaki said. She noted that there are “legal aspects” to the issue that needed to be looked at.

Abbas reaches a dead end
The Western world, filled with anti-Israel sentiment, is sending positive signals to Abbas and his people, as well as Hamas, which was recently taken off the terrorist organization list in Europe. But a look into Europe's machinations shows they do not actually bode well for the Palestinians. The West's dependency on Arab oil is decreasing. Europe's crashing economies will not be able to sustain funding the corrupt anti-Israel groups and it is likely that the cash flow and patience for Abbas will dwindle as well.
The Palestinian Authority's deceptive efforts against Israel also failed. Almost no Israeli believes in "the peace of brave," and most are split between which future agreements with the Palestinians will cause less damage: annexation ("integration") or autonomy ("hybridization").
In documentaries, Palestinians are keen to explain their historic refusal to share the land with us. "We are the real mother who refuses to split her living child as in the Judgment of Solomon," they say. The Palestinians need to be reminded neither in Israel nor in Jerusalem did they ever have a baby, even a dead one. The use of the Judgment of Solomon, a king of Israel, and Jerusalem, to justify their claims puts the made-up Palestinian idea to shame, and will continue to prevent their attempts at snatching a Palestinian state in the future.
Palestinian Opposition Emerges to Abbas’ Statehood Gambits
Agence France-Presse reported:
“Hamas is totally opposed to any return to the UN Security Council by the Palestinian Authority,” spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri said in a statement.
“Such a step would be political foolishness which plays a dangerous game with the destiny of our nation.
“Mahmoud Abbas and the leadership of the Palestinian Authority should completely stop this political foolishness,” Abu Zuhri said.
Several PLO factions also objected to the recent unilateral Palestinian UN resolution, irritated that Abbas was not consulting the PLO on such major decisions.
Nonetheless, Reuters reports that Abbas is in discussions with Jordan about submitting a new resolution in 2015. After the vote for approval by the UN Security Council failed, Abbas may be hoping for a better result as the countries newly installed as non-permanent Security Council may look at the Palestinian bid more favorably. However, the United States has made it clear that it will veto any statehood resolution even if it would be supported by a majority of council members.
Al-Jazeera mocked this eventuality. A cartoon published by the network’s website portrayed Abbas entering the Security Council room with a bucket of water balanced on the door, symbolizing the expected American veto.
Republican Senator's Bill Would Halt Aid to PA
Republican Senator Rand Paul introduced a bill on Wednesday that would immediately halt aid to the Palestinian Authority (PA) until it halts its effort to join the International Criminal Court (ICC) to pursue war-crimes charges against Israel, The Associated Press (AP) reported.
The move comes a day after United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said that the PA would become a member of the ICC as of April 1, less than a week after the PA formally presented a request to the United Nations to join the ICC.
While PA membership in the court doesn't automatically incur U.S. punishment, existing law says any Palestinian Arab case against Israel at the court would trigger an immediate cutoff of U.S. financial support.
The Kentucky senator's bill would ban assistance until the PA stops the move to become a member of the court.
Illinois Senator Demands Obama Administration Stop Funding Palestinian Authority
In response to the Palestinian Authority decision to forgo the peace process and join the International Criminal Court (ICC) in an effort to prosecute Israeli leaders, soldiers, and institutions, US Sen. Mark Kirk (R-Ill.) issued a statement on Tuesday calling on the Obama administration to stop funding the Palestinian Authority.
“I strongly condemn the Palestinian Authority’s irresponsible and destabilizing efforts to use the ICC to target Israel and undermine the peace process,” Kirk said. “The Administration must now enforce US law as mandated by Congress and cut off US funding to the Palestinian Authority until they start acting like the partner for peace that is needed in the Middle East.”
Kirk, a former naval intelligence officer, is demanding the administration abide by the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2014 (Public Law 113-76) and the Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations Act, 2015 (Public Law 113-235). Both pieces of legislation prohibit funding for the Palestinian Authority (PA) if the PA takes action to undermine the peace process by requesting an investigation or prosecution of Israeli nationals by the ICC.
Obama Is Creating Jewish Republicans
In 2008, when Barack Obama was elected president, 71% of Jewish-Americans identified themselves as Democrats. That number has slipped to 61%, according to a Gallup poll released Tuesday evening. During the same period the percentage of Jews who identify as Republicans has grown from 22% to 29%.
On first glance the numbers may seem insignificant because the GOP share of the Jewish vote remains small. But the same report indicates Jews are moving toward the GOP much faster than the general population.
Per Gallup, in January 2008, 39% of all Americans identified as Republican, in Gallup's July 2014 report (the last time they published numbers for the general population) 40% of all Americans identified as Republicans; a growth of 1% vs the 7% for American Jews.
Gallup did not ask policy questions, but another part of Tuesday's study may provide some insight into the policy driving Jews to the GOP. According to the study the more "religious" the Jew, the more likely they are to be Republican. This is most probably a result of President Obama's anti-Israel policies.
Pro-Israel Christian Group Looking to Impact 2016 Elections as Membership Soars Above Two Million
The pro-Israel group Christians United For Israel (CUFI) is aiming to step up its political activity ahead of the 2016 elections now that its membership has crossed the 2 million mark, The Washington Post reported on Wednesday.
CUFI is in the midst of internal discussions about opening a lobby office in Washington or starting a Political Action Committee (PAC) to deepen its relationships with politicians, according to the report. A PAC would raise money for candidates and engage in electoral activities.
“CUFI can talk to the center and the right. But I am worried we are losing self-defined progressives,” said CUFI Executive Director David Brog. ”There is room for a progressive case for Israel.”
CUFI has long been the largest pro-Israel group in the US, according to The Washington Post. The organization boasts members from every congressional district in the country.
Yehuda Glick Takes On the BBC
Yehuda Glick is still recovering from an assassination attempt in which he was shot four times. He is currently based in a secret location in Jerusalem and only goes out under armed guard - all of whom are volunteers, as the police refuse to provide him with protection. He has faced vilification from significant portions of the media for his campaign to allow Jews to pray at the Temple Mount, their holiest site.
But despite all that, Yehuda Glick takes on the BBC's Stephen Sackur on the corporation's flagship "HARDtalk" program to explain why he's still as determined as ever.
The BBC think he's a "dangerous extremist" - what do you think?
Jewish man stabbed near Jerusalem’s Old City
An ultra-Orthodox Jewish man was stabbed near Damascus Gate in Jerusalem’s Old City on Thursday evening, in a suspected terror attack.
The stabber fled the scene after the assault.
The victim, 21, was stabbed in back with a screwdriver by an assailant described as an “Arab,” according to an initial Channel 2 report.
He was taken to the hospital in moderate condition, according to a Magen David Adom Twitter post.
Police suspect nationalistic motives for the attack and are searching for the attacker.
Fake bomb discovered outside Israel’s Uruguay embassy
Authorities in Uruguay detonated what turned out to be a fake bomb found near Israel’s embassy in Montevideo, officials said Thursday.
Officials closed down streets near the Israeli embassy, located in the World Trade Center office complex in an upscale section of downtown Montevideo, after discovering the device.
The convincing-looking fake — complete with fuse, detonator and other elements found in a real bomb — was detected some 70 meters (230 feet) from the building by bomb-sniffing dogs patrolling the area with their Republican Guard handlers.
After destroying the device, bomb brigade lieutenant colonel Alfredo Larramendi told reporters at a press conference that it “never posed any danger.”
Bennett Mocks Livni: Go Help France Negotiate with Terrorists
Jewish Home Chairman and Economics Minister Naftali Bennett sharply criticized Justice Minister Tzipi Livni, in a series of remarks at a conference at Rishon LeZion's Business College.
"Why do not you get on a plane to Paris to solve the problems there?" Bennett fired, referring to Wednesday's horrific shooting rampage by Islamists at the Charlie Hebdo satirical magazine. "Maybe you can manage the negotiations, offer them a political peace deal, because this is the solution. Offer to the French to 'end the occupation' and for peace, apologize for the cartoon. It always works."
"Explain to them that peace is made with enemies, there is a partner, and maybe you can divide Paris and give it to those fundamentalist Muslims," he continued. "Maybe say you're not against the cartoons - but the timing is right. The success is so beautiful - see how it worked in Gaza and Lebanon. Send a delegation to bring that experience to their countries."
PreOccupied Territory: Palestinian Researchers Disprove Cause And Effect, Chronology (satire)
Ramallah, January 8 – Scientists at Bir Zeit University announced this afternoon that they had refuted Newtonian notions such as cause-and-effect and the flow of time, freeing their fellow Palestinians of the need to justify their behavior or demands on those grounds.
A team of researchers used the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as the subject of its inquiries, applying to it various axioms such as Palestinian virtue and the empirical observation that the Palestinian attachment to the land carries greater weight than the Jewish one. In so doing, the scientists were able to demonstrate that long-held notions such as a cause must precede its effect, or that any connection at all actually exists between a cause and its direct effect, are invalid.
In the January issue of theoretical physics journal Boundaries Unbounded: New Knowledge (BUNK), the Bir Zeit team demonstrates that the Occupation can serve as a valid explanation of the cause for myriad instances of Palestinian violence, most tellingly violence that occurred long before the Occupation in strictly chronological terms. Whether the term Occupation strictly refers to Israeli control beyond the 1967 cease-fire lines with Jordan, as some Palestinian leaders publicly assert, or more expansively to the Jewish sovereignty that began in 1948, as others claim, it can only explain the 1929 Hebron Massacre, for example, if chronology is dismissed. Because the Occupation, empirically, justifies any and all Palestinian actions, chronological sequence is therefore disproved as a prerequisite for cause-and-effect.
Erekat: Israeli ‘terrorism’ same as Islamic State
Chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat on Monday equated the atrocities committed by the Islamic State group in Syria and Iraq to Israel’s activity in the West Bank, asserting that both amounted to acts of “terrorism,” Palestinian media reported.
“There is no difference between the terrorism practiced by the [Islamic State] group led by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and Israel’s terrorism,” Erekat said during a festival in Jericho, according to the Palestinian Ma’an News Agency.
“Ending settlement activities is a prerequisite for eliminating terrorism.”
Erekat went on to criticize Israel’s decision Saturday to freeze the transfer of tax revenues to the PA. Israel imposed the freeze after the PA signed documents to join the International Criminal Court in the Hague, and threatened further retaliatory action.
PA: No reconstruction until we get control of Gaza
The Palestinian unity government will not be able to oversee Gaza’s reconstruction drive without full administrative and security control over the Strip, a demand currently blocked by Hamas, the government declared in a statement this week.
Following a rare government meeting in Gaza Tuesday, the government of Rami Hamdallah said Wednesday that PA civil servants who had left their positions as a result of Hamas’s violent takeover of the Gaza Strip in June 2007 must be allowed to resume their posts, a move that would effectively put Hamas appointees out of business.
Hamdallah pledged to compensate the Hamas appointees through microfinancing for small businesses and donor state loans, on top of retirement packages.
“No one will be wronged, and no state employee will be left without the ability to obtain reasonable income,” he was quoted by official WAFA news agency as saying.
European Union auditors called in December 2013 for the de-funding of thousands of PA employees who were told by Ramallah to stay home ever since Hamas’s takeover more than seven years ago but have nevertheless continued to receive government salaries. Last June, Hamas physically blocked these employees from entering Gaza’s banks, as a financial pitfall left Hamas employees without income.
The government indicated that it would not be able to push forward Gaza’s reconstruction without full presence in the Strip’s border crossings, hinting that international funding had stalled due to Hamas’s insistence on remaining there.
Daphne Anson: Still Intact: The CUFP that runneth over with poison
Now, some people might argue that it is better that these antisemites are permitted to continue unimpeded, in order that we know what exactly passes through their minds.
Other people will, if course, argue that such filthy lies as contained in the examples I’ve given here and elsewhere are akin to Nazi propaganda and, being likely to infect with the virus of Jew-hatred large numbers who come in contact with them, should be removed.
In any case, people can be forgiven for wondering why the CUPF’s still intact on Facebook when so many “hate sites” have been taken down.
Inter alia by Australian cartoonist Larry Pickering (who has narrowly escaped a total ban from Facebook himself) in “The Pickering Post” today (hat tip: A Concerned Reader):
‘…. Hundreds of Google sites and Facebook pages have been shut down by a well-organised group purporting to be against “hate speech” and citing anti-Jewish speech as their main aim. Funny, but it seems only sites containing the words “Islamic”, “Muslim” and “Jihadist” are being removed while facebook sites that pay for “likes” are allowed to remain.
Boycott efforts against Israel do not hurt economy
The boycott, divestment and sanctions movement has not harmed the Israeli economy, and in some cases Israel's exports have only grown in the regions in which the movement has the most traction, according to a recent report commissioned by the Knesset Finance Committee.
"So far, the attempts to boycott Israel have not hurt the Israeli economy on the macro scale. ... The boycotts are able to hurt largely the end products of certain Israeli brands. However, since the majority of Israeli exports are intermediate goods, there has not been significant harm done to them," the report concluded.
The study analyzed the economic effects of the BDS movement from 2000 to 2013. The study showed that throughout those years, despite the BDS movement, Israel's gross domestic product rose by 54 percent, its exports rose by 80 percent and in Europe, where the majority of the BDS efforts are, surged by 99 percent.
According to the study, as of 2014, the attempts, largely in Europe, to boycott products produced beyond the Green Line have failed and the overall exports to Europe have not only not suffered -- they have risen; which shows that the European Union boycott and tariff placement on products from beyond the Green Line have not had a significant impact.
Hackers develop tech tools to grapple with BDS
Thus was born the idea for “Firewall,” described as the first Israel Legitimacy Hackathon, a three-day contest held in Tel Aviv this week to produce digital tools to fight the delegitimization campaign being waged against the State of Israel’s right to exist.
And the winner was version 2.0 of the Virtual War Room (VWR), a site allowing activists from around the world to defend Israel in real time, online.
For their work, the students at the Interdisciplinary Center in Herzliya behind the war room took home a $5,000 prize. The team automated a project they began during Israel’s summer war against Hamas-led fighters in Gaza that helped counter the incessant chatter against Israel on news and opinion sites around the world.
“Israel is being faced with a new type of challenge,” noted Tel Aviv’s Reut Institute, which organized the event. “Delegitimizers are using technological tools, like social media, to more effectively organize and communicate their message. Those who support Israel’s right to exist need an innovative set of tools that leverages our technological strengths and compensates for our numerical disadvantage. This hackathon aims to create these technological tools.”
BBC yet again erases terrorist missile fire which led to summer conflict
As we have unfortunately had occasion to note here several times before, the portrayal of events presented by the BBC completely erases the fact that the “conflict” did not only take place “in Gaza” but also in Israel, with thousands of residents of the southern part of the country forced to leave their homes during that time.
Equally misleading is the fact that the BBC has completely airbrushed from audience view the hundreds of missiles launched at civilian targets in Israel between the date of the kidnappings – June 12th – and the commencement of Operation Protective Edge on July 8th. It was of course that surge in missile fire which was the reason for Israel’s military action, with the later discovery of dozens of cross-border tunnels prompting the subsequent ground operation. The military operation could have been avoided had Hamas elected to take advantage of the ample opportunities it was given to stop the missile fire before July 8th, but the terrorist organisation chose not to do so – for reasons not by any means exclusively connected to Israel.
The distortion of the factors which led to the summer 2014 conflict has over recent months become standard BBC practice. The version of events repeatedly promoted by the BBC is obviously not accurate due to its deliberate omission of the firing of hundreds of missiles at Israeli civilians and nor is it impartial as it clearly seeks to erase Hamas responsibility for igniting that conflict from audience awareness. It is high time the BBC got a grip on its serial misrepresentation of this topic.
BBC World Service or Palestinian Authority radio station?
On December 31st the BBC World Service radio programme ‘Newshour’ – presented by Lyse Doucet – included an item (available here from 14:00) concerning the signing of the Rome Statute by Palestinian Authority president Mahmoud Abbas.
Unfortunately for BBC audiences hoping to augment their understanding of that issue with accurate and impartial information, Lyse Doucet’s idea of ‘standard setting journalism’ proved to be nothing more than the provision of a platform for unhindered and unchallenged PA propaganda from Mohammed Shtayyeh.
Morocco approves ‘Exodus’ film, after offending sections cut
The Ridley Scott biblical epic “Exodus,” which was banned in Morocco for violating Islamic precepts, will be shown once again in this North African country after the studio agreed to remove the offending passages.
The Moroccan Cinematography Center issued a statement late Tuesday explaining that the film, which recounts the story of Moses, could now be shown in theaters after Fox Studios and director Ridley Scott took out dialogue implying one of the characters represented God.
“They went ahead and made the desired change, removing two audio passages that alluded to the personification of the Divine,” the statement said.
What Will Saudi Arabia's Next King Mean for Israel?
Saudi Arabian King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz's serious medical condition suggests an imminent crisis in the country's future.
To discuss the King's impending death and its anticipated effects, Arutz Sheva spoke with the chair of the Department of Israel and Middle Eastern Politics, Professor Alex Bligh.
Professor Bligh, a former advisor to the prime minister on Arab affairs, believes that everything that happens in the Middle East has some sort of effect on Israel, and that looming instability in Saudi Arabia is likely to affect us.
Bligh noted that Saudi Arabia and Israel have become important allies as they both fight to stop the Iranian nuclear program from developing. Their relationship has grown increasingly tight, especially in light of of their opposition to an agreement between Iran and Western powers.
With regard to the Saudi royal family, Bligh explained that the process of transferring royal heritage was set up about seventy years ago. "The ruling stated that [founder of Saudi Arabia] Ibn Saud had 50 sons - and government should pass between the sons who will have a coalition with the other sons."
Bligh estimated that the 91-year-old King would not last much longer. Additionally, his designated successor Prince Salman, aged 79, is in the initial stages of Alzheimer's disease, meaning the crown might pass to the King's son by a Yemeni maidservant.
Study: anti-Semitism most common prejudice in Turkish media
Anti-Semitism is the most common racial or religious prejudice in the Turkish media, according to a recent study by the Hrant Dink Foundation.
The study, which tracked derogatory coverage of over 30 different groups in media reports between May and August, found that Jews and Armenians were the subjects of just over half of the recorded incidents in a media landscape filled with “biased and discriminatory language use.”
Jews led the pack with 130 incidents, followed by Armenians (60), Christians (25), Greeks (21), Kurds (18) and Syrian refugees (10).
The report further noted that during coverage of last summer’s Operation Protective Edge in Gaza, some in the Turkish media did not differentiate among Jews, Israelis and Zionists, using words like “Jew” to refer to all of them indiscriminately.
Israeli Researchers Discover Protein with Anti-Bacterial Properties
Ben Gurion University (BGU) researchers discovered that a protein, Alpha1-antitrypsin, combats infections and eradicates bacteria.
The researchers were curious if treating individuals with immune-compromised conditions using Alpha-1 Antitrypsin in would make them more susceptible to infections. Lead by Kaner Ziv and Shahaf Galit of the Lewis Lab at BGU, mice were directly infected with various strains of live bacteria at different infection sites, including their lungs and digestive tract. The initial aim was to exclude the possibility of worsening infection progression in treated mice. Yet the group stumbled upon highly unexpected outcomes: not only did the treated mice combat the infections better, but the bacteria that were directly introduced into the various compartments were practically eradicated by Alpha-1 Antitrypsin therapy before the end of the first 24 hours. There were barely bacteria left to grow colonies on a plate. The team says the clinical implications of these findings are immense.
Israeli Startup Reports Successful ALS Stem-Cell Therapy Trials
An Israeli startup, BrainStorm Cell Therapeutics, announced a successful trial of its therapy for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) or Lou Gehrig’s disease, Reuters reported on Monday.
A single dose of the stem cell treatment called NurOwn was administered in a mid-stage phase 2a trial in 14 patients with ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig’s Disease, at Hadassah Medical Center in Jerusalem.
“Nearly all subjects in this study experienced clinical benefit from treatment with NurOwn,” the company said on Monday.
Of the 12 patients with three or more months of follow-up, 92 percent experienced an improvement in disease progression. NurOwn slowed the progression of ALS using two different parameters and had a strong effect on the rate of decline in lung function, BrainStorm said.
Israeli company seeks to crack rare chemicals market
The chemical compound the company is referring to is boron nitride, which is widely used in mechanical operations — from cars and dentist drills to missiles and airplanes.
According to Dan Yardeni, founder and chairman of the board of Tel Aviv-based Boron Compounds Ltd. (BCL), boron nitride costs about $50 to $100 a kilo depending on its purity and the size of the particles. His company, however, has developed a way to make it for less than $20 a kilo. But, manufacturers don’t seem rushing to save money.
“We’re not quite sure why,” questioned Yardeni, “but I suspect that a lot of it is professional jealousy, that scientists who have positions in these chemical companies just don’t want to admit that someone does better work than they do. It’s a well-known issue in many industries, called NIH [Not Invented Here] syndrome.”
Wix will air first-ever Superbowl ad, the Tel Aviv-based do-it-yourself website development company, will air its first-ever Super Bowl ad, stacked with NFL celebrities, during the big game’s broadcast on Feb. 1.
The Israeli startup will be competing for air time with such big-name brands as Microsoft, Nike, Budweiser, Verizon and Visa in the celebrity-loaded NBC broadcast, where a single minute of airtime can cost millions of dollars.
The ad will promote the company’s #ItsThatEasy campaign, which trumpets Wix’s streamlined, simple-to-use software for creating a personal or business website. In the short clip, five NFL legends – Brett Favre, Terrell Owens, Emmitt Smith, Larry Allen and Franco Harris – will all be shown trying out new ventures outside of football, and finding some help in their new careers by creating a Wix personal website.
ZUtA Labs printer wins Best of Innovation at CES
Call it the little company that could. Israeli startup ZUtA Labs, which used a Kickstarter campaign to raise initial seed money, won Best of Innovation in the Computer Accessories category for its PocketPrinter.
The Jerusalem startup was up against industry giants like Philips, Dell, Pioneer Electronics, Samsung and Qualcomm but won over the judges with its amazing innovative mini mobile printer.
The $200 robotic printer slides over the paper on which you want to print, making paper trays and paper feeders a thing of the past. It can print on any size of paper.
Israel’s first official delegation to the Consumer Electronics Show includes ZUtA Labs, HumanEyes Technologies, Idomoo, KIDOZ, Lexifone, MUV interactive, Sensibo, Silentium, StoreDot, Umoove, VocalZoom Systems and WonderVoice Technologies.
The 2015 International CES is a four-day consumer technologies event hosting 3,600 exhibitors from across the globe.
Kardashians said buying TA pad
Residents of high-priced Hayarkon Street, directly opposite the Tel Aviv beach, will soon have to get used to having American TV celebrities as new neighbors. Sisters Kim, Kourtney and Khloe Kardashian are jointly purchasing property at 96 Hayarkon, one of the most exclusive addresses in all of Israel, according to a property manager.
Oved Zangi, sales manager for 96 Hayarkon, confirmed for The Times of Israel that the Kardashians, represented by the broker Tomer Fridman of Sotheby’s International Realty, are scheduled to arrive in Israel in about a month to sign off on the deal.
The Kardashians, who own properties around the world, are reportedly planning to drop NIS 120 million ($30 million) on a fourth-floor apartment plus a 1,100 square meter (11,840 square feet) penthouse. The sisters apparently plan to combine the two flats according to Globes, which first reported on the purchase.
It seems the reality TV stars, already owners of homes in Beverly Hills, Manhattan and Paris, have long wanted to acquire a place in Israel to rest their heads and leave some of their expensive designer clothes. The plan is apparently for the sisters to share the apartment, taking turns staying in it on Holy Land holidays with their families.

Posted By Ian to Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News at 1/08/2015 06:00:00 PM

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