UNRWA works to empower students to advocate and promote a culture of human rights despite the challenges they face. This very day, in 687 United Nations-run schools in Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, children will advocate for human rights principles. Human Rights Education in UNRWA schools enables students to critically reflect on ways they can contribute to the realization of rights and contribute directly to their society and global community in positive ways....[W]e in UNRWA remain committed to the ideal of human rights for all. We teach it in our classrooms. We encourage our children to live it in their lives.
Well, not quite.
A 2011 study showed that UNRWA's human rights curriculum didn't teach anything about tolerance of religions and does not contribute one bit to Middle East peace.
The actual human rights curriculum materials on what used to be UNRWA's Arabic "human rights" website teaches anti-Israel lies.
A document on that same site said that Jews do not know anything about human rights.
A poem, also found on the UNRWA human rights website, said this:
Palestine should know I adore madness
Jaffa, I should know I'll come back to it
Let him know it's the crazy sons of Zion
With their thought of raping Palestine
The land of Canaan will be only to those who love her
Those who are occupied by people who do not
The land of Isra and Mi'raj cradle of the prophets
The land of jihad and martyrdom
I'm not talking about the normal hate being taught at UNRWA schools as part of history classes, for example. This hate was part of the very human rights curriculum that UNRWA so proudly trumpets to the West!
An idea floated by UNRWA to mention the Holocaust in its human rights curriculum was vehemently opposed by teachers, and ultimately shelved a couple of years ago. In fact, the teachers union itself officially denies the Holocaust - even while other teachers groups say they support Hitler's aims.
So while the US State Department compliments UNRWA on how well it teaches human rights with US funds, UNRWA is taking that same money and teaching the exact opposite of human rights when it comes to Jews.
Posted By Elder of Ziyon to Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News at 12/11/2014 05:00:00 AM
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