Early last year [UNRWA] set up a D.C. “liaison” office. With whom is it liaisoning? Mostly Congress, it turns out. U.S. law forbids the United Nations from lobbying Congress, but as we learned with Newt Gingrich “lobbying” or a “lobbyist” is in the eye of the beholder. UNRWA employs two full-time staffers in D.C., both of whom have loads of experience on Capitol Hill. Chris McGrath is a former aide for Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nev.); his boss, Matthew Reynolds, worked in legislative affairs for the State Department. I was assured no “lobbying” goes on, but they do meet virtually nonstop with lawmakers — appropriators are key — to answer questions about how taxpayer dollars are spent, why UNRWA’s work is important and how it makes sure money isn’t going to terrorists.
It seems American tax dollars are going, in part, to fund this office that in effect makes sure Congress doesn’t get fed up and cut off the money flow. Kirk might want to find out just how much liasioning is going on and whether the letter and spirit of the ban on lobbying are being strictly adhered to.
This paid political hack Chris McGrath has been actively - and absurdly - defending UNRWA on Twitter.
So, for example, after Chris Gunness spent a day hysterically going after the Jerusalem Post and calling for everyone to boycott it using the words "Boycott the JPost," McGrath tweeted:
#UNSG spox noted @ChrisGunness “was not calling for a boycott against any media outlet” rather 1 misleading article in JPost 1/2
— Chris McGrath (@mcgrathc) December 8, 2014
You may recall that the reason Gunness and UNRWA were up in arms was a devastating op-ed piece by Palestinian human rights leader Bassam Eid slamming UNRWA. On Friday, Chris McGrath tweeted:
#UNRWA has examined Bassam Eid’s Dec. 1st op-ed in @Jerusalem_Post and found 21 errors; #FactsMatter
— Chris McGrath (@mcgrathc) December 12, 2014
As I waited to read details on these supposed 21 errors, I had fun with the hashtag #FactsMatter:
.@UNRWA's website misrepresents UNHRC's policy towards refugee descendants http://t.co/aj53rKqO3r #FactsMatter @mcgrathc @Jerusalem_Post
— ElderOfZiyon (@elderofziyon) December 12, 2014
.@ChrisGunness lied about @UNRWA's definition of refugee being made by UNGA http://t.co/iI95TZwiGU @mcgrathc @Jerusalem_Post #FactsMatter
— ElderOfZiyon (@elderofziyon) December 12, 2014
.@UNRWA official lied, told UNGA meeting that 2100 civilians killed in Gaza http://t.co/cEOMCXBI3K @mcgrathc @Jerusalem_Post #FactsMatter
— ElderOfZiyon (@elderofziyon) December 12, 2014
Sorry, @mcgrathc, but if #FactsMatter, why does @UNRWA keep lying? @Jerusalem_Post
— ElderOfZiyon (@elderofziyon) December 12, 2014
Finally, McGrath started listing four of the 21 "errors." Here's the first:
4 biggest errors in Bassem Eid op-ed in @Jerusalem_Post show lack of basic understanding of #UNRWA #FactsMatter (1/5)
— Chris McGrath (@mcgrathc) December 12, 2014
Eid op-ed error: UNRWA runs camps; FACT: #UNRWA only provides services, no such thing as “UNRWA refugee camp” #FactsMatter (2/5)
— Chris McGrath (@mcgrathc) December 12, 2014
Eid didn't say that UNRWA runs the camps. However, he did refer to "UNRWA refugee camps." Guess who else does?
Lobbyist @mcgrathc says "no such thing as '@UNRWA refugee camp.'" Their website disagrees @stevelinde #FactsMatter pic.twitter.com/IgjTStRPbo
— ElderOfZiyon (@elderofziyon) December 12, 2014
Here are his other "errors" and my responses:
.@mcgrathc This is the only one I don't think can be proven. I'll give you that. But your salaries do buy weapons pic.twitter.com/O8mc0pJg5q
— ElderOfZiyon (@elderofziyon) December 12, 2014
.@mcgrathc Then point me to the publication showing specifically how UNRWA spends its money. Like how much they pay you.
— ElderOfZiyon (@elderofziyon) December 12, 2014
.@mcgrathc He didn't say there were no audits. He called on full audits. #FactsMatter #pathetic
— ElderOfZiyon (@elderofziyon) December 12, 2014
McGrath's arguments that UNRWA is fully audited and transparent is truly a joke.
Anyway, I am stil waiting for the remaining 17 supposed "errors" in Bassam Eid's piece. There is more fun to be had.
Posted By Elder of Ziyon to Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News at 12/14/2014 06:36:00 AM