Wednesday, July 2, 2014
8:53 PM
Elder of Ziyon
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At this time, no one knows who killed Mohammed Abu Khdeir, or why. Different media are spinning the story differently; Times of Israel claims sources tell them that police are leaning towards the theory that Jews did it as revenge, while Haaretz is saying the police aren't sure about anything. Rumors are rampant as to how Arabs might be responsible - a family feud being the most dominant theory, with some Israeli media reporting of previous suspicious incident with Mohammed's brother.
That lack of knowledge is not stopping irresponsible news outlets from claiming that they know what happened. Particularly egregious is The Independent, which doesn't only claim that extremist Jews killed the youth, but that "Israel" murdered him.
Unfortunately, there have been plenty of irresponsible and disgusting statements made by some Jews who are deeply upset over the murders of Gil-ad, Eyal and Naftali. Facebook pages that call for revenge against all Arabs, rallies where "Death to Arabs" is said openly, and similar incidents are immoral and disgusting. Is it possible that in the frenzy of anger after the national mourning over the three kidnapped boys turned into murder of an innocent boy? In the flood of sadness and anger that followed the discovery of the bodies it is conceivable, and that fact is utterly shameful.
There is nothing wrong with saying that all terrorists should die. They should. But saying that all Arabs should die is unconscionable.
The "hate-Israel" crowd is as happy as can be with every single example, real or imagined, that they can find to prove their long-standing accusations of Israeli racism. Every society on the planet has some racism, and the amount in Israel is quite tiny compared with most nations, but context is not something that matters to the haters, and Israelis who speak this way in their anger are giving the anti-Israel crowd ammunition for years to come.
There is plenty that we don't know.
But we do know is that no Israeli openly celebrated the death of Mohammed Abu Khdeir. And no one will.
This is in marked contrast to this cartoon from Arabic social media that was captured by the Terror Watch Facebook page:
We do know that for every Jew who shamefully shouts "Death to Arabs," there are hundreds of Arabs who shout "Death to Jews."
We do know that there will be no headlines about Arab threats to Jews, but there will be headlines about Jews threatening Arabs, precisely because the first is pervasive and the second is so unusual.
Plenty of irresponsible people are rushing to report what they don't know. But no one is reporting what we do know.
Posted By Elder of Ziyon to Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News at 7/02/2014 08:53:00 PM
That lack of knowledge is not stopping irresponsible news outlets from claiming that they know what happened. Particularly egregious is The Independent, which doesn't only claim that extremist Jews killed the youth, but that "Israel" murdered him.
Unfortunately, there have been plenty of irresponsible and disgusting statements made by some Jews who are deeply upset over the murders of Gil-ad, Eyal and Naftali. Facebook pages that call for revenge against all Arabs, rallies where "Death to Arabs" is said openly, and similar incidents are immoral and disgusting. Is it possible that in the frenzy of anger after the national mourning over the three kidnapped boys turned into murder of an innocent boy? In the flood of sadness and anger that followed the discovery of the bodies it is conceivable, and that fact is utterly shameful.
There is nothing wrong with saying that all terrorists should die. They should. But saying that all Arabs should die is unconscionable.
The "hate-Israel" crowd is as happy as can be with every single example, real or imagined, that they can find to prove their long-standing accusations of Israeli racism. Every society on the planet has some racism, and the amount in Israel is quite tiny compared with most nations, but context is not something that matters to the haters, and Israelis who speak this way in their anger are giving the anti-Israel crowd ammunition for years to come.
There is plenty that we don't know.
But we do know is that no Israeli openly celebrated the death of Mohammed Abu Khdeir. And no one will.
This is in marked contrast to this cartoon from Arabic social media that was captured by the Terror Watch Facebook page:
We do know that for every Jew who shamefully shouts "Death to Arabs," there are hundreds of Arabs who shout "Death to Jews."
We do know that there will be no headlines about Arab threats to Jews, but there will be headlines about Jews threatening Arabs, precisely because the first is pervasive and the second is so unusual.
Plenty of irresponsible people are rushing to report what they don't know. But no one is reporting what we do know.
Posted By Elder of Ziyon to Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News at 7/02/2014 08:53:00 PM
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