Their statement reveals a lot about the Gaza ministries that they perhaps do not want Western media to notice.
The ministry said in a statement on its website that it had asked the security agency to provide proof to the police at the school referred to, to make sure of the validity of the claim or not, but they apologized for it, and failed to cooperate with them.Who is more credible - UNRWA or the Hamas-run Gaza interior ministry? Since they both are run by accomplished liars, you need to look at who has the most incentive to lie, and in this case UNRWA had no incentive to lie about rockets that makes it look bad to allow them to be placed on their grounds to begin with. (The charge that UNRWA is in cahoots with the IDF is one of the funnier things I've seen today.)
The ministry confirmed the absence of any proof of the declaration of UNRWA, and they denounced the organization, saying they are doing their job to achieve security for all citizens and all institutions and headquarters of local and international organizations in addition to their role in protecting the resistance.
The ministry emphasized that it has to communicate with all the resistance factions in Gaza, which confirmed its categorical rejection of the use of schools and civic institutions and that they cannot do so.
The Gaza Interior Ministry considers this claim as a means to justify the targeting of civilians and to prepare in advance to find a cover for the crimes committed by the Israeli occupation today in the Gaza Strip.
It pointed out that all UNRWA schools are guarded by the agency around the clock, and wonders how they were storing weapons and entered the school without the knowledge of school guards, stressing that Palestinian resistance does not need to use the schools for the storage of weapons and gear.
Notice also that the Interior Ministry admits that its job is to protect terrorists, and that it is in constant contact with all Gaza terror groups.
Once we have established that the Gaza ministries lie, then the question is why the media takes their statements about civilian casualties without any skepticism?
Posted By Elder of Ziyon to Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News at 7/20/2014 10:30:00 PM