Tuesday, June 17, 2014
5:37 AM
Elder of Ziyon
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A couple of months after the Egyptian revolution, authorities arrested a Jordanian telecommunications engineer for allegedly directing international phone calls from Egypt to Israeli intelligence, as well as attempting to spread Zionist hair products that cause infertility through Egypt.
The trial of Bashar Abu-Zaid and, in absentia, a (probably fictional) Israeli Mossad agent, "Ophir Harary," has been postponed numerous times since 2011. Abu-Zaid sounds like he is not exactly sane, accusing an Egyptian billionaire of attempting to poison him and screaming at judges during the process.
This week he was sentenced to a year in prison for insulting the Egyptian judiciary, separate from his espionage trial.
An Egyptian newspaper reproduced the Egyptian prosecutor's arguments in the case.
Islam Hamad, head of the State Security Prosecutor's office, started the trial by quoting the Koran 16:118, which says "And to those who are Jews We have prohibited that which We related to you before. And We did not wrong them [thereby], but they were wronging themselves," explaining that Egypt has been faced with malicious Jewish plots for the past 60 years.
The prosecutor claims that Abu-Zaid looked up the names of Israelis on the Internet to contact them about selling the phone call information, and hooked up with this "Ophir Harary", the supposed Mossad agent.
Also, the prosecution claimed "that the accused volunteered to implement Zionist products to spread disease, cancer and infertility, and that he admitted so himself during the investigation, that the Zionist entity is afraid of manpower for the Egyptians, because their numbers are enormous and now exceeds 85 million people."
When Abu Zaid was arrested, he was also accused of importing Zionist hair products that supposedly caused infertility, with an ingredient called "creatine."
The idea that Israelis are attempting to sterilize Arabs has been popular for years, along with the contradictory claim that Israelis are attempting to make Arabs sex-crazy.
Posted By Elder of Ziyon to Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News at 6/17/2014 05:37:00 AM
The trial of Bashar Abu-Zaid and, in absentia, a (probably fictional) Israeli Mossad agent, "Ophir Harary," has been postponed numerous times since 2011. Abu-Zaid sounds like he is not exactly sane, accusing an Egyptian billionaire of attempting to poison him and screaming at judges during the process.
This week he was sentenced to a year in prison for insulting the Egyptian judiciary, separate from his espionage trial.
An Egyptian newspaper reproduced the Egyptian prosecutor's arguments in the case.
Islam Hamad, head of the State Security Prosecutor's office, started the trial by quoting the Koran 16:118, which says "And to those who are Jews We have prohibited that which We related to you before. And We did not wrong them [thereby], but they were wronging themselves," explaining that Egypt has been faced with malicious Jewish plots for the past 60 years.
The prosecutor claims that Abu-Zaid looked up the names of Israelis on the Internet to contact them about selling the phone call information, and hooked up with this "Ophir Harary", the supposed Mossad agent.
Also, the prosecution claimed "that the accused volunteered to implement Zionist products to spread disease, cancer and infertility, and that he admitted so himself during the investigation, that the Zionist entity is afraid of manpower for the Egyptians, because their numbers are enormous and now exceeds 85 million people."
When Abu Zaid was arrested, he was also accused of importing Zionist hair products that supposedly caused infertility, with an ingredient called "creatine."
The idea that Israelis are attempting to sterilize Arabs has been popular for years, along with the contradictory claim that Israelis are attempting to make Arabs sex-crazy.
Posted By Elder of Ziyon to Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News at 6/17/2014 05:37:00 AM
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