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Monday, January 6, 2014

Here's a new op-ed in Iran's state-controlled PressTV by someone named Anisa Abd el Fattah:
What is in store for the world, should we not succeed in our efforts against global Zionism and stop it in its tracks, is a world where global corporations and banks rule and where we the people are little more than slaves.

How do we know this? Just look at what the NWO is doing and what is happening in the world as global Zionist rule takes shape.

It's clear that the primary interest of the NWO is economic. Its social perspective is shaped solely by its need for quiet as it initiates its transition period. This is why we have the militarization of law enforcement in most countries and also the common training, uniforms, equipment, etc.

...Laws are being passed that prohibit criticism of sacred cows like Zionism, war, occupations, poverty, monarchies, presidents and those traitors who open up their countries to NWO control.

....They also want wars. Contrary to the belief that a one world government can bring peace to the world, the reality is that the Zionist one world government is dependent upon perpetual war.

It must keep people and states at war with one another to prevent them from unifying against the authority's abuses; its greed, brutality, racism, elitism, etc.

The greatest downfall of the Zionist global economic scheme in my opinion is the destruction of sovereign domestic economies and the enslavement of entire populations to the international banks through debt.

...Global markets and economics are part of the Zionist world order scheme to break down domestic sovereignty of all kinds with the hope of transitioning failed states along with their failed economies into a single entity, governed by a single Zionist government.

...In such situations, the people are left with only two choices, both of which serve the interests of the Zionists. They either protest, creating disorder which leads by design to chaos, or they submit. The only way the people win is if the goal of the protests is to bring down the corporations and the banks, not the governments.

Such protests can succeed globally but only if the working people of the world unite and carry out protests that are coordinated and share a single message, that being to end corporate control and to shut down the international banking cartel.
Controlled by those "Zionists," of course.

El-Fattah claims to be "a political analyst and human/civil rights activist..she been published in many of the major newspapers in the United States such as the Boston Globe, The Washington Times and the New York Times and has lectured at some of the United State's most prestigious universities including Georgetown University, Columbia University in New York and the American University in Washington DC."

I couldn't find any evidence of her being quoted anywhere outside extremist sites. Her resume seems to be mostly wishful thinking.

But for some reason PressTV's blurb didn't mention that she ran for President in 2012, that she is a 9/11 "truther" who claims that Muslims had nothing to do with it, and that she has apparent Hamas ties.  You can spend a week following her Internet trail to terrorism.

Posted By Elder of Ziyon to Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News at 1/06/2014 09:00:00 PM

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