Here is today's example, written by Hanan Mustafa Akhamis, who has a Ph.D. in the history of international relations and foreign policy.
Her main argument is that Judaism isn't really monotheistic.
The Jewish religion is not a monotheistic religion - it is the religion of priestly - as the priests are the ones who interpret the Bible through their own fantasies and perceptions, plus fiction written by Jews during the Babylonian captivity...The nepotism among the Jews and the function of the priests have made it a religion of heredity akin to idolatry with the leaders (the Sanhedrin) - a key role in Jewish religious and social and political life in the period following the return of the Jews from Babylonian captivity as they claim - I think that the Babylonian captivity is a myth fabricated by the Jews to control the Arab world - and the belief that they are God's chosen people and especially with regard to the trial of Jesus Christ peace be upon him.
The article goes on to say that Jews got monotheism from the Arabs. She then goes on to say that Amalek was Arab, and the Jews were ordered to slaughter all the Amalekite Arabs by their God, and they commemorate the massacre by - yes - slaughtering the children of non-Jews on Passover and drinking their blood.
It covers all the bases of antisemitism. And of course, Western NGOs all agree that antisemitism is bad. Yet none of them can seem to find anything to say about endemic Arab antisemitism.
Posted By Elder of Ziyon to Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News at 12/08/2013 09:00:00 AM