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Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Jihad el-Khazen, writing in pan-Arab daily Al Hayat, publishes one of the best examples of Arab projection I've ever seen.

The title of his article? "Israel And The Falsification Of History."

Let's see who falsifies history.

El-Khazen starts off fuming at a full-page ad in the Financial Times on Monday by the European Jewish Congress:
The European Jewish Congress paid to run a full-page ad in the London-based The Financial Times, protesting against the European Union's recent decision to suspend funding for any Israel institutions working beyond the Green Line - ie in the West Bank.

The ad, which was titled "Last chance for Europe to place peace above politics," claimed that the position of the European Union is "ultimately detrimental to Europeans, Israelis, and Palestinians, and above all, serve [s] to minimize the chances for lasting peace. "

But this is all a lie that only a pro-Israeli organization is capable of.

Personally, I do not recognize any green or red lines, and all I know is that Palestine is the land from the Mediterranean to the Jordan River. This land is entirely under occupation by the state of Israel. Also personally, I accepted with the Palestinians a state on 22 percent of their land, but the successive Israeli governments, including those that had war criminals and terrorists in their ranks, did not accept this.

While I oppose all war, and do not want any Palestinian or Jew to be harmed, I insist that peace is not possible with the current Israeli government, a fascist government leading the last apartheid state in the world, and a government that kills, destroys , and steals Palestinian homes every day. I challenge the European Jewish Congress to prove me wrong in the future.
OK, how many lies has el-Khazen given us so far?

He pretends that there was a nation called Palestine. He pretends that its historic borders happen to coincide with the borders of the British Mandate, with not a square inch on the other side of the Jordan. He pretends that Israel has no right to exist in any way, shape or form (a position he has made many times before.)

Now he gets to show his ignorance:
The second paragraph of the ad claimed that the EU does not implement the same funding policy on other countries, of which the ad named Turkey, Morocco, and China.

I don't know what the accusation against these countries is, but I know that the Turks or the Chinese do not live in a country to which they had immigrated, and which they then occupied by force of arms, dispossessing or murdering its native people . Furthermore, one mistake does not justify another, and if Turkey or China (Morocco took in the Jews of Spain and protected them after the fall of Andalusia, and alluding to it is ingratitude) has indeed made mistakes, then this does not justify the sins that Israel commits every day against the Palestinians.
He never heard of the Turkish occupation of northern Cyprus or the Moroccan occupation of Western Sahara, but he is certain that they don't occupy anyone. And if they do, well, it is no big deal.


But it gets better:
The Palestinians alone can claim the land as their own, and yet, they and I with them have accepted a state on less than a quarter of their land. Historically, Israel never existed in Palestine, not 3,000 years ago, and not 2,000 years ago, or at any other time. There are no Jewish antiquities in Palestine, and the prophets of the Torah never existed, and were 'invented' hundreds of years after the alleged era during which they lived. Moreover, Al-Haram Al-Sharif is not the so-called Temple Mount, which never existed, and there are no traces in the mosque complex of any First or Second Temple. To be sure, the Temple is just another myth of the Torah.
Ignorance is one thing, but taking such pride in one's ignorance is breathtaking. Does he think that the Kotel was built by a Muslim sultan? (One must also wonder if he believes that the prophets mentioned in the Koran existed - since most of them are also in the Torah.)

The ad then moves from outright lies to sheer obscenity, claiming that the EU is abrogating the Oslo Accords which stipulate "that the current status of the territories and its residents will not be changed ahead of final status negotiations, to which the parties have now recently returned, "and that" the territories, captured during a defensive war, from Jordan, itself an occupier, were never an independent sovereign entity. "

Every word and every sentence in the above is a lie. The Oslo Accords did not stipulate that territories and residents should remain unchanged for a thousand years, as the terrorist governments in Israel want. Furthermore, the Palestinians are the native inhabitants of the land, and each of them has a known name and comes from a known city, town, or village. Jordan and Palestine, meanwhile, are one and the same, and Jordan cannot be an occupier because the Jordanians are Arabs in their own land, and not European Ashkenazi Jews.
El-Khazen, of course, is the only liar here. The EJC correctly stated that during the Oslo process the status of the territories should not be unilaterally changed. Jordan was of course an occupier of the West Bank, and the idea that Arabs cannot occupy other Arab territory is a rule that Khazen just made up.

Khazen is a known entity, having spouted antisemitism for years in the pages of Al Hayat. But this article shows not only that he has no idea what he is talking about, but he tries to make up in stridency what he lacks in basic knowledge of history and religion.

What is sad is that there are apparently no Arabs in the world who are willing to call him on his idiocy, because while they might know he is an inveterate liar, his lies are politically correct in that universe. Instead of being disparaged as the joke he is, el-Khazen maintains a large readership and respect within the bubble of anti-intellectualism that is the Arab world, and no newspaper would dare contradict him by saying, for example, that there really was a Temple in Jerusalem.

That inability for Arabs to even consider thinking critically when Israel is involved is the real issue here. And that problem shows no sign of being solved any time soon.

Posted By Elder of Ziyon to Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News at 9/18/2013 10:44:00 AM

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