The Blaze reports:
A new Arabic-language television series, "Khaybar," scheduled for broadcast in the Muslim world during Ramadan next month is raising alarm among Jewish groups due to the deeply anti-Semitic messages it reportedly conveys.
The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) on Tuesday denounced the content of two of the episodes which were posted online this week."The episodes, which series producers reportedly claim have been leaked, reveal the degree to which classical anti-Semitic narratives are being promoted in the program," the ADL writes.The Zionist Organization of America is calling on President Barack Obama to pressure Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi to stop the broadcast of the multi-million dollar production. It writes:The pro-Israel blogger who writes under the pen name Elder of Ziyon is so concerned that "hundreds of millions of Arabs will be exposed to antisemitism and incitement" that he's started a petition calling on human rights organizations to condemn the series.The television series, Khayber, celebrates the victory of Muhammad's Muslim army over the Jewish tribes living in northern Arabia in the battle of Khaybar in 629 C.E. [A.D.] According to most Islamic sources, the Khayber story ends with the slaughter of thousands of Jewish men, women and children. The vanquished Jews were forced thereafter to hand over half their produce to the Muslims until later expelled by the Caliph Umar.
Posted By Elder of Ziyon to Elder of Ziyon at 6/20/2013 02:30:00 PM