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Saturday, February 23, 2013

From Ian:

Barry Rubin: Why the CIA Director is Wrong: Rethinking al-Qaida
Ironically, the United States has a counterterrorist policy but it does not have a national security strategy. It has a way of reducing anti-American terrorism—let or even help Islamists seize power—but does not realize that anti-American regimes are far more dangerous than a bunch of guys in caves.
If terrorism was ever merely a law enforcement issue that is certainly true today in terms of al-Qaida.
Instead, what the Obama Administration has done is like trying to reduce crime by turning over the cities to the Mafia and letting it make the laws and also run the police and court systems.

Rand Paul: Cut Foreign Aid From Countries Burning Our Flag VIDEO
"...what I would say is that I would start by cutting foreign aid from countries that are burning our flag and chanting 'death to America,' countries that don't really seem to be acting like our allies."

Senators Ask Obama to Withdraw Hagel Nomination
Fourteen U.S. senators asked President Barack Obama to withdraw his nomination of former Nebraska senator Chuck Hagel, who continues to come under fire for his record on Israel and other areas of foreign policy, for Secretary of Defense.
In a letter dated Feb. 21, the senators—all Republican—said Hagel in his confirmation hearing "displayed a seeming ambivalence about whether containment or prevention is the best approach [to Iran's nuclear program], which gives us great concern."

Palestine – Backtracking Begins As Democracy Dies by David Singer
Dr Zogby seeks to blame Israel's settlement policies for the lack of democratic reforms in the areas of the West Bank under full Arab administrative control.
It is time to end the blame game whilst perennially claiming victimhood status.
It is time to face up to the reality that only the fundamentals of a democratic state – free and fair elections, freedom of expression and the media – can lead to a negotiated end to this long running conflict.
The sooner elections are held to end the seven year drought since the last election was held – the sooner the hope of peace will become a flickering light at the end of a very dark tunnel.
Dr Zogby has done the Arab residents of the West Bank and Gaza a grave disservice by dashing the hope of democracy ever coming to change their lives – as it changed the lives of Sharansky and the million Soviet Jews who eventually made it to Israel.

Israel grapples with terror threats to its tourists in nearby countries
Ahead of Passover vacation rush, security officials working with Greek, Cypriot, Bulgarian counterparts to counter possible Hezbollah plots

Terror victims' monument vandalized
Inscription bearing Asher and Yonatan Palmer's names found desecrated
Unknown vandals desecrated an obelisk commemorating Asher and Yonatan Palmer, who were murdered near Kiryat Arba in September 2011.

Arabs Riot, Clash with Security Forces
Thousands of PA Arabs continue to riot and clash with security forces following prayer services at mosques in Judea and Samaria.
Thousands of Palestinian Authority Arabs continued to riot and clash with security forces on Friday, following prayer services at mosques in Judea and Samaria as well as on the Temple Mount.
According to various reports, dozens of PA Arabs suffered injuries during the clashes. At the same time, one policeman was lightly wounded by a brick thrown at him by Arab rioters in Hevron.
On the Temple Mount, dozens of PA Arabs threw rocks and firecrackers at police forces stationed outside the Al-Aqsa Mosque. In response, dozens of soldiers entered the compound and dispersed the rioters with tear gas and stun grenades. The quiet in the area returned after one Arab was arrested and taken in for questioning.

Judea and Samaria Residents Reestablish Civilian Security Patrol
Following the recent deterioration of the security situation in Judea and Samaria, local residents have decided to take their security into their own hands, reestablishing the civilian based reconnaissance unit which was operative during the second Intifada. In recent months there has been a sharp upsurge in terrorist attacks against the residents of Judea and Samaria. The number of stone and fire-bomb attacks on the roads has increased dramatically. To contend with this reality the local security councils have decided to reestablish the civilian security patrols on the roads.

UN Watch: UN researcher reports UN session on Israel that never happened
The incident underscores the shoddy scholarship and disregard for facts that characterizes much of the anti-Israel propaganda produced by many of the researchers who write UN reports on Israel, including the Goldstone Report.
Will UNESCO and UNIFEM disclose which Palestinian matters have been handled by Perugini?
Is the kind of shoddy scholarship Bard College is trying to promote through its Palestinian summer school?

BBC selected 'expert opinions' and transparency
Of course Bennett-Jones provides no information for his readers as to Crooke's real background (or even the name of his organization) and he certainly does not inform them that the entire raison d'etre of Crooke's think tank is to turn that terrorist organization into something more palatable to Western minds.

Safer and greener: Israel's high-tech highways
Asphalt that uses recycled tires makes roads easier to brake on and helps the environment, says Dimona Silica Industries
Leave it to Israel to infuse high technology into something as prosaic as asphalt. A Negev company has developed a road asphalt compound that uses old tires for strength and safety, and is friendly to the environment to boot.
The new compound, called RuBind, is already in use in Israel. Approved by the Israel Standards Institute last October, the compound was used to pave roads in the Beit She'an Valley that are particularly notorious for their accidents. Among the qualities of RuBind is its "rubberiness," due to the bits and pieces of rubber mixed in with the asphalt, and as a result, cars have an easier time braking thanks to the higher friction that occurs when a car's rubber tires meets the rubber on the road.

Terror Victim's Purim Message: Despair is Just a Mask
Terror attack survivor Asael Shabo, who lost his mother and three siblings, has a message of hope for Purim.
Terror survivor Asael Shabo was there to give the group a first-hand account of overcoming disability. Shabo, who lost a leg in a terrorist attack over 10 years ago, has become a top athlete and is training for the 2016 Para-Olympics.
Asael's mother and three of his siblings were murdered in the 2002 attack, in which a Palestinian Authority terrorist entered the family home and began shooting the children at close range.
He had a message of Purim hope for the young women from Maagalim. "Know that despair and difficulty are just a mask," he told them. "If you believe, you can remove it and reveal your truth."

Posted By Ian to Elder of Ziyon at 2/23/2013 01:00:00 PM

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