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Wednesday, January 2, 2013

From Ian:

Expert: Israel Has an Historic Right to Judea and Samaria
"Dr. Alan Baker, an expert on international law and a member of the committee headed by Judge Edmond Levi recommending the extension of Israeli law to Jewish towns in Judea and Samaria, said at a conference discussing the matter Tuesday night that Israel would be fully in its rights to do so." 
Extremism unchecked in schools, secret briefing reveals
More than 100 independent faith schools may be radicalising students, the Department of Education has warned in a secret memo which admits that officials are struggling to tackle extremism in state and private schools. "The strategy also reported that a minority of independent faith schools had been "actively promoting views that are contrary to British values, such as intolerance of other cultures and gender inequality" and had "allowed extremist views to be expressed by staff, visitors or pupils." The document said there had been concerns that madrassahs – after-school religious classes attached to mosques - were promoting a highly conservative version of Islam and spreading extremist views, particularly against non-Muslims. It estimated that 100,000 Muslim children attended such schools." 
IDF Blog: 5 Remarkable Stories of 2012, As Told By IDF Soldiers
This past year was full of many challenges for the IDF. Our soldiers faced many threats, from terrorist agents on Israel's borders to rocket fire targeting civilians. Here are some of most remarkable stories of 2012, as reflected upon by our soldiers. 
Arab soldier hides service from neighbours
Samir, a Muslim Arab, hides his uniform and weapon from his neighbors, but says he's proud to be an IDF combat soldier "Samir joined the Tavor Battalion nine months ago. "To my delight my commanding officers understood me and my situation and let me go on leave on weekends," he told Yedioth Ahronoth. His comrades were equally supportive. "Even though they are only kids, 18 years old, we have developed a true friendship," Samir says. He stresses he has never encountered racism." 
West Bank village erupts after undercover soldiers arrest Islamic Jihad activists
Rubber bullets and tear gas reportedly used in clashes; army says operation carried out to stop terror attack "A raid by Israeli soldiers disguised as vegetable vendors to seize members of a terror group sparked intense clashes in the northern West Bank Tuesday. Residents in the town of Tamoun said youths tossed stones and bottles at Israeli troops, while the soldiers responded with rubber bullets." 
2012's Top Ten on The Commentator
This year's top ten articles on The Commentator include topics such as atheism in Pakistan, the Leveson Inquiry, the BBC and Israel in the media 
CIF Watch: CiF attacks anti-Hagel war agitators: Israel lobby, bond dealers & arms manufacturers "Hagel, a far-right Republican hostile to abortion rights, gay rights and civil rights, and who has come under fire for his views on Israel, the Middle East and the Islamist regime in Tehran, has strangely become a progressive cause celeb among the Guardian-style left."

CAMERA: Prompts AP Correction on Construction Materials for Gaza

MEMRI: Egyptian Cleric Mahmoud Al-Masri: When the Mahdi Comes, There Will Not be a single Jew left VIDEO & Egyptian DePaul University Professor Mahmoud Cherif Bassiouni Supports Camp David Accords and Says: The Palestinians Always Miss Historic Opportunities VIDEO

Israeli vets formulate new vaccine for dogs
A serendipitous lab discovery led to a breakthrough vaccine for a fatal tick-borne disease. Now investors are sought to take it commercial. "Dr. Shimon Harrus did not intend to find the world's first vaccine against canine monocytic ehrlichiosis (CMT), a sometimes fatal tick-borne disease in dogs. Instead, he was attempting to determine how long ticks must be attached to a dog's fur in order to transmit CMT." 
Intel offers a million bucks for app 'game-changers,' using tech developed in Haifa
A 'perceptual computing' platform will utilize cameras, sensors, and microphones to enable devices to learn what you need and give it to you "The new approach, called "perceptual computing," refers to equipping PCs, laptops, and other Intel-branded and partnered devices to become "context aware." Instead of passively waiting for you to enter data and "teach" the device, a perceptual computing-equipped device will use its built in hardware and software to "learn" ways that make users' lives easier."

Posted By Challah Hu Akbar to Elder of Ziyon at 1/02/2013 09:41:00 AM

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