Minutes after the U.N. voted on Nov. 29 to call "Palestine" a state, the New York-based group Human Rights Watch (HRW) issued a press release urging the Palestinians to use their new status to pursue Israel in the International Criminal Court (ICC).
Yet few noticed that HRW's lobbying contradicted its own promises that this scenario would never happen.
In 2001, when Americans were debating whether or not to support the ICC, Human Rights Watch published "Myths and Facts About the International Criminal Court."
As part of its campaign to get the U.S. to ratify the Rome Statute and join the ICC, Human Rights Watch affirmed that the new court would never be used "to pursue politically motivated cases against Israel." This concern was nothing but a "myth," insisted HRW.
This was because "Future actions on Israeli or Palestinian territory will be covered only if the ICC treaty is ratified by Israel or by a broadly recognized Palestinian state." And as HRW explained, in aWashington Post op-ed, "That will not happen until after a peace agreement, in which case the likelihood of Israeli military action against Palestinians greatly diminishes."
Fast forward several years. Suddenly, HRW is lobbying for the Palestinian bid to become a U.N. state and an ICC member before a peace agreement — and indeed while the Palestinians have refused to even sit at the negotiating table with Israel.
What happened to HRW's "that will not happen"promise?
The truth is that over the past several years, HRW has actively lobbied to make happen everything that it assured Americans would never happen.
...While HRW was sometimes cagey on expressing outright support for the formal ICC request submitted by the PA, there was no mistaking where they stood: "Human Rights Watch called on the ICC prosecutor to make a prompt legal determination on the Palestinian National Authority request, consistent with the ICC's mandate to end impunity." The latter phrase could only mean HRW wanted the ICC to decide in the affirmative.
Similarly, in a September 2010 speech to the U.N. Human Rights Council, HRW called on the 47-nation body to "urge the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court to determine in a prompt manner whether he believes the court has jurisdiction over the Gaza conflict. Such a determination will clarify the avenues of international justice available."
Again, HRW made it clear how they wanted the jurisdiction question to be decided: "The parties... have thus far not shown a willingness to conduct investigations up to international standards, so international prosecutions may be required." Peace talks, said HRW, "in no way lessen the need for accountability. On the contrary, justice [i.e., ICC prosecution] for serious violations should be part of the discussion."
The greatest supporter of the Goldstone Report's call for ICC prosecutions, apart from HRW, was the Hamas terrorist organization. ...
Read the whole thing.By actively lobbying for Palestinian statehood prior to a peace agreement, and by urging Palestinians to pursue Israel in the ICC, Human Rights Watch promotes the Hamas agenda and the politicization of international law.
More than that, HRW breaks its word, and undermines the credibility of its organization.
Maybe HRW needs a new logo.
(h/t Arsen Ostrovsky)
Posted By Elder of Ziyon to Elder of Ziyon at 12/16/2012 01:00:00 PM