Update: Creative Time Summit "partner" page showing Israeli group removed
In light of the boycott actions mentioned above, by Mosireen and Rebel Diaz, it would appear that the Creative Time Summit has attempted to scrub its website of the evidence of its partnership with Israeli government funded Israeli Center for Digital Art.
Luckily, we kept screenshots. You can see the page as it appeared before, whereas now a click on the link brings up "page not found."
So, the Israel-haters actually think that Creative Time Summit would delete all of their partners just to avoid mentioning Israel?
About thirty seconds with Google shows that the website simply renamed "Summit Partnerships" to "Summit Sites", and the page prominently mentioning the Israeli Center for Digital Art is prominently displayed exactly as it was before:
But don't tell the idiots at Electronic Intifada. They seemed so happy.
Posted By Elder of Ziyon to Elder of Ziyon at 10/12/2012 03:56:00 PM