UN Watch
"Jesus' Birthplace in Danger" Will UNESCO choose PA hype over expert findings?
"ICOMOS (The International Council on Monuments and Sites)also found that, contrary to the Palestinian submission now before the UNESCO committee, the Church of the Nativity was neither "severely damaged," nor "under imminent threat"."
Palestinians: Salam Fayyad "The Moderate" by Hisham Jarallah
"Fayyad often comes across in the international community as a "moderate" man who believes in peace and coexistence with Israel; but his actions in the past few years reveal that the Palestinian prime minister is anything but liberal or moderate, even if he did receive a doctorate at the University of Texas."
"If Fayyad does not want Palestinian children to mix with Israelis, why does he continue to live in an Arab neighborhood in Jerusalem that is under Israeli sovereignty? And why does he continue to meet with Israelis on different occasions? If, as his aides say, he despises Mahmoud Abbas and believes that he is leading the Palestinians toward the abyss, why doesn't he tell this to the president in his face? Or is it possible that Fayyad and Abbas are playing the good cop and bad cop?"
Der Sturmer in the UK?
"What would Israel do if a journalist from Der Sturmer was filing reports from inside the country? Despite the fact that there is remarkable press freedom in Israel, extending to and including Arab media such as Al-Jazeera, it's a safe bet that Israel would find it extremely hard to swallow.
Yet there is such a foreign media outlet represented in Israel, publishing propaganda and openly supporting Israel's worst enemies. It's called The Guardian."
Palestinians prefer symbolic UN bid to negotiations with Israel, experts say
Posted By Elder of Ziyon to Elder of Ziyon at 6/12/2012 02:30:00 PM